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View Full Version : problem with completed Outlook tasks

08-10-2004, 10:03 PM
Hi all,

I have a PocketPC challenge and I wonder if anyone can help me. I've got an HP 1940 with PPC 2003 and I'm syncing it successfully with my laptop running XP and Outlook 2002. However, I'd like to sync my tasks a bit differently than I am currently.

I have ActiveSync 3.7.1 set to sync all tasks. And it does. I'd like to be able to check a task as complete on my PPC, let it sync with the laptop, then delete it from the PPC only, leaving it on the laptop. This does not seem to be an outcome I can accomplish with the current settings choices. Either I accumulate tons of completed tasks on the PPC or I delete them on both the PPC and the laptop. If I change ActiveSync options to sync only incomplete tasks, I get the same result.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks much.

Brad Adrian
08-11-2004, 03:15 AM
What you are trying to do will probably not be possible using Activesync. After all, the main purpose of the software is to synchronize the two systems, making them exactly alike.

There may be some additional PIM add-ins that can help with this, but I'm not familiar with any doing what you want.

Is there some way to set up some rules within Outlook to make copies of the tasks you want and moving them to an appropriate folder?

08-11-2004, 04:40 AM
Brad's right, that goes against the purpose of ActiveSync.

Do your tasks take a lot of storage? How about setting a filter on your tasks application to display only incomplete/active tasks? Then, if you set ActiveSync to sync only past X weeks of active tasks, your old dated and completed tasks won't clog up your memory while undated and incomplete tasks will stay.


08-11-2004, 06:16 AM
I'd like to be able to check a task as complete on my PPC, let it sync with the laptop, then delete it from the PPC only, leaving it on the laptop.

In ActiveSync on the desktop, right-click the Tasks item, click Settings and select the option to Synchronize only incomplete tasks. This will keep all tasks on the desktop and delete all completed tasks from the Pocket PC, leaving only incomplete tasks.

08-11-2004, 02:46 PM
Thanks for the quick suggestions.

I've tried a couple of the ideas you've suggested and did not accomplish what I wanted. However, I suspect that if I just bite the bullet and delete some tasks, then switch to 'incomplete only' that it might work. Right now, the incomplete tasks remain on my PDA even after I change this setting. I think your suggestions might work if I get back to a reasonable starting point first by removing the complete tasks.

Thanks again.