Jonathon Watkins
08-06-2004, 06:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"To date the number of actual malware programs for handhelds can be counted on one hand. Nonetheless, many companies have started selling anti-virus software for handhelds, including both traditional anti-virus companies like Symantec and McAfee as well as some newcomers. Whether such efforts prove to be saviors or merely opportunistic remains to be seen. Note that the problem of malware is different from data privacy, keeping private information private in case a handheld is lost or stolen. Even without 3rd party software, there are steps that both users and developers can and should take to keep n'er-do-wells out of their systems. Some guidelines are the same as on the desktop, and seem obvious until they are repeatedly violated. Never run a program that doesn't come from a trusted source. …..Also, avoid programs which require opening up access to your handheld to the outside world." </i><br /><br />As the fallout over the first real PPC trojan continues, the Infosync World Editorial examines the implications of this malware milestone. They cover the obvious security precautions you can take, as well as discussing possible future solutions to avoid malicious code. How do you fancy logging into your PDA as either "Administrator" or "User"? Because Palm OS devices do not currently have true multi-tasking, they are less susceptible to viruses, though this will change when Palm OS 6 arrives. Quite ironic that Palm's lack of functionality can occasionally be an asset. :wink: Still, all mobile Operating Systems need to consider how they will avoid issues like these in the future. This is especially true as PDAs will increasingly be wirelessly connected at all times, offering greater opportunity for attack and great scope for damage. There may be trouble ahead......... :|