Chris Pi
08-05-2004, 03:29 PM
I had a bit of an issue connecting my Ipaq 5550 to my Linksys 802.11b router this morning. It had worked beautifully for a long time but when I tried to connect my pda to the internet this morning it wouldn't connect. No email, pocket internet, or streaming, over wireless. I tried a bunch of stuff and couldn't figure it out. Then I changed the number of allowed connections under DHCP on my router from 3 to 5. Then I was able to connect. Now I've got a PC, Laptop, and Pocket PC that are connected to the router by cable, wireless, and wireless respectively. That gave me the original number of 3 to enter under number of devices for DHCP. Does anyone know why changing it to five would affect the glitch?
To make matters stranger I hard reset the router which defaulted the DHCP number of connections to 50. This didn't work so I changed it to 5 and things worked again. If 3 is too little and 5 works, shouldn't 50 work as well? Very confusing stuff, maybe somethings gone with the hardware.
To make matters stranger I hard reset the router which defaulted the DHCP number of connections to 50. This didn't work so I changed it to 5 and things worked again. If 3 is too little and 5 works, shouldn't 50 work as well? Very confusing stuff, maybe somethings gone with the hardware.