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View Full Version : Full screen SMS keypad for Pocket PC

08-04-2004, 11:20 AM
Pocket PC Phone Edition includes some great software, but one of the small frustrations is that it's not easy to send an sms when you're on the move, as you can with a regular phone. You generally need to stop and get out the pen/pointer and write a message then send.

I'm looking for some SMS software for the Pocket PC that replicates the behaviour of a typical phone... a big keypad that fills the majority of the screen, with 12 keys... you press keys multiple times to get a particular letter/number, etc.
Be great if it had T9 predictive text also, but not essential.

Is anyone aware of anythin like this?

I've come across two pieces of software that are on the ricght track... but not really there...

Any info welcomed.


08-04-2004, 12:53 PM
The only thing i've used in the past is mPhone. But you need to connect it to a mobile phone via bluetooth or irDA. Well you could always try it see if it does some of what you need.
