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View Full Version : Very strange message in WM2003SE

07-30-2004, 04:14 PM
I'm using an e800 that I upgraded to SE with the US update as soon as it came out. This morning, there was a modal dialog with the title "Checking System" and the text "Please wait \n\t for a while...". The system was non-responsive while it was there, but is now working as normal.

The software I have installed is:
- PocketGCC
- PocketConsole
- Leo's Flight Sim
- PHM RegEdit
- Age of Empires (registered version)
- Latest MS Reader

Yesterday I bought a Belkin infrared keyboard and installed their drivers ("WPDAK").

Has anyone seen this before, what's it actually doing, and is it normal?

- Pete

07-31-2004, 01:17 AM
There has been a coversation at Brighthand (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106188&highlight=weird+message)about it. Seems to happen randomly and with no real specific app causing it.

Kati Compton
07-31-2004, 02:19 AM
Huh. That's really strange. Especially having the character codes for line-feed and tab in there...

07-31-2004, 03:30 AM
There has been a coversation at Brighthand about it. Seems to happen randomly and with no real specific app causing it.
Thanks for the link; sounds like I don't have to be too worried about it, because it's in the ROM. Still, I'd like to know what it's doing. Maybe I'll check out what Dependency Walker has to say about that FRFMsg.exe that was mentioned in that thread, if it can read CE ARM PE files.

I Googled "FRF" and looked on AcronymFinder and didn't find any definition that fit, and I've never heard of it before...

Especially having the character codes for line-feed and tab in there...
I added those, because it was split there and the second line had a space about the size of a tab. It surprised me and I included them, because that's not the way the default Windows MessageBox usually wraps and aligns long text...

EDIT: Hmm, Depenency Walker can only tell me that it uses coredll and aygshell, and what ordinals it references. I'll try and find what the actual symbols are tomarrow...


- Pete