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07-28-2004, 09:44 PM


07-29-2004, 12:01 AM
Holy crap, I didnt think it was that huge! More reason to consider the Asus 730!

07-29-2004, 12:26 AM
If you are comparing the Asus against the HX4700... this picture is pretty representative of the two. The Asus is about the same size as the Hp1900 series... so it is in the same ballpark as the Hp2200...

The HX4700 is looking pretty big isn't it...? Not to say I would not buy one... lots of nice features according to the specifications... but I am not crazy about the way Hp is dropping models out of their stable of products. It seems the life cycle they are going by is about 12 months. I for one feel that the Hp1900 and Hp2200 series had a lot more life in them, especially if they had taken care of a few issues... the video chipset, additional ram, VGA and lack built-in wifi for the Hp2200 series. In my opinion the Hp1900 series was the most visually pleasing a design of any to date... and I could live with it a little thicker if it could supply me a CF slot... (Asus A730..?)

What is Hp thinking... when they discontinue models such as the Hp1900 and Hp2200 series.. for their new line... other than that HX4700 there is nothing in the new line of products that was worth the R&D spent on them. Should have created enhanced versions of the Hp1900 and Hp2200 series and the HX4700... it would have been a much better option. They could continue to support the existing models and bring more effective devices to the table.

Hp... this one is going to cost you... at least this customers business...

I think my next unit will be an Asus...

07-29-2004, 02:54 PM
The Asus 730 seems to be the new "darling" of the PPC world. There appears to be a "mass exodus" from HP to Asus. I just don't get it.

What is Asus' track record in providing OS updates for their devices? (a major reason why people are leaving HP is the lack up OS upgrades)

What is the availability of peripherals for it? Custom cases, external non-wireless keyboards, external battery packs, sync cables, etc. etc.

Historically, what has build quality been of Asus devices?

What about support?

07-29-2004, 03:13 PM


07-29-2004, 04:54 PM



07-29-2004, 06:06 PM
Actually Asus is likely to be updating all three of it's current models, the A620, A620BT and A716 with Windows mobile 2003SE, their performance has been out of this world. I have never owned one, but their build quality from what I have read and heard is industry standard. I am really debatting between the A730 and the hx4700 both have a lot of benefits, though I really like Asus's track record on updates so far. They listen to their customers. visit www.pocketmatrix.com, if you want to find out more about the Asus handhelds, also I could suggest proportable as a good online store for asus's stuff, proportable also has very close ties with Asus so support through proportable is quite good I have heard. There are plenty of cases out there that I have seen for the asus handhelds.


07-29-2004, 07:24 PM
I was going to reply but Ironman beat me to it. The Asus is in Europe and Asia what the Hp is here in North America... there is a strong presence there and the track record is excellent. In fact I believe that the Asus 620 is still one of the fastest unit on the market.

If you want more data on the Asus units, review the PocketMatrix site.

07-29-2004, 07:28 PM
Actually Asus is likely to be updating all three of it's current models, the A620, A620BT and A716 with Windows mobile 2003SE, their performance has been out of this world. I have never owned one, but their build quality from what I have read and heard is industry standard. I am really debatting between the A730 and the hx4700 both have a lot of benefits, though I really like Asus's track record on updates so far. They listen to their customers. visit www.pocketmatrix.com, if you want to find out more about the Asus handhelds, also I could suggest proportable as a good online store for asus's stuff, proportable also has very close ties with Asus so support through proportable is quite good I have heard. There are plenty of cases out there that I have seen for the asus handhelds.


Asus released in Taiwan... ;)


Check the RAM and the battery.... ..... The Loox 720 is a better option if you don't like the "ugly" hx4700 :D