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View Full Version : PPC with USB Hosting

07-27-2004, 06:59 PM
Which PPC WM2003 have USB hosting? I would love to use a desktop keyboard and USB mass storage drive with it. The iPaq I love most is the h4155 but it does not have the USB hosting therefore I can get it. The Toshiba are not fit for games as the buttons are bit weird but if they are the only ones, then I guess I have to go with whatever floats my boat.

07-27-2004, 07:25 PM
If you don't want a Toshiba then I think you might want to go with USB Host Adaptor CF Card (http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/products/subpages/cfu1u.html).

Pat Logsdon
07-27-2004, 07:29 PM
The Asus A730 is supposed to have USB Host - check out the last picture on this page. (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.pdafrance.com/articles/article.php%3Fcat%3Dmachinesppc%26id%3D373&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dasus%2Ba730%2B%252B%2Bhost%2Busb%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26safe%3Dactive) 8)

07-27-2004, 07:30 PM
With SD cards doing the job of a USB flashdrive, and so many keyboard options out there for Pocket PC's... I don't see how the USB port would be all that useful.

Now.. if I could connect a USB DVD player and watch movies, then I would be alll over it. ;)

07-27-2004, 07:39 PM
How about a 20GB 2.5 inch slim cased portable hard drive at 4200 rpm?

Thanks for the link to the USB host CF adpater but I dont know where to find one in a local store. Anyway the Toshiba really disappointed me with it's low score and big size.

The h4155 should be the best and most rounded device but it lacks VGA screen and USB host (no CF slot). O dear.

Pat Logsdon
07-27-2004, 08:10 PM
The h4155 should be the best and most rounded device but it lacks VGA screen and USB host (no CF slot). O dear.
Did you check out the review I linked to? The A730 has VGA, USB Host, a form factor that's almost exactly the same as the hp 4150, and it has a CF slot. They'll apparently be releasing a 64mb RAM/ROM/Bluetooth version first, followed shortly by a 128mb RAM/Bluetooth/WiFi version shortly thereafter.

07-27-2004, 08:14 PM
That CF Host said USB Downstream, will you be able to hook a hard drive up to it?
Will the PDA read it as a CF Card?
All 20gb?

07-27-2004, 08:16 PM
With the USB hosting, I know theres a driver for the PPC to use it as a mass storage but for the CF, I think its same as reading it as a CF card, 20 GB is the case I think.