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View Full Version : 2215 as T610's headset?? Is it possible??

07-26-2004, 09:47 AM
Hi I'm Sunny,

Is it possible to make and receive calls from my 2215.
My pc is able to do so but my pda can't.

My pc bluetooth usb hub has bluetooth headset profile but my pda has not.

Is there a driver or so to enable this profile my my pda.
In other words,I want to use my 2215 as T610's headset.

Any answers would be highly appreciated.


Sven Johannsen
07-26-2004, 03:39 PM
If you are into registry hacking you can search for

ipaq BT headset hack on google and get the instructions to expose the headset profile on a 2215.

If you aren't comfortable with that you can find

Kai's Bluetooth Headset Patch 2004 on Handango that will do it for you.

Whether this will get you what you want is iffy. The BT profiler is to let you attach a headset to a 2215, not to make the 2215 look like one to a device looking for a headset.

Robb Bates
07-26-2004, 04:12 PM
Beware, the audio bluetooth profile on the h2215 is incredibly bad. Although it works (and I use that term very loosely) the quality is abominable and bogs down the ipaq until it locks up.

I highly recommend against this.
