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07-24-2004, 10:46 PM
Hey Everyone,

Can someone recommend a decent THEME program that will let me create different TODAY Screens? Did I ask that right? What I want to do is be able to put a picture of .gif on my TODAY screen on my HP 2215.

I have seen this site: http://www.pocketpcthemes.com

I like the idea of making an ANIMATED theme. Are there any FREE programs that will let me create NORMAL picture Today Themes and Animated ones or should I just buy the ANIMATED TODAY program listed on pocketpcthemes? I wasn't sure if there were any other PAID or FREE programs other than Animated Toady that I could use.


Jeff Rutledge
07-24-2004, 11:43 PM
Microsoft provides a very simple, free application that will allow you to create themes for your PPC. You can download it here (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/downloads/themegenerator.mspx).

I haven't dabbled in animated themes yet so I don't know where to find an animated theme creator, but I know it exists.

07-25-2004, 12:18 AM
Thanks a million!


07-26-2004, 01:26 AM
Hi again!

Of course I didn't see that the Microsoft Theme Program that you mentioned is only for for Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile 2002 software only, until after I installed it. Any other programs that might do this? I have an HP 2215.



07-26-2004, 01:31 AM
Actually... I CAN see that the program (Theme Generator) is installed and on my Today Screen. I just have to figure out how to use it now. I haven't a clue. Am I to assume that I have to import a picture and them put in on my PPC? What exactly does the Theme Generator do? I think when I first got my PPC, I was able to import a picture that displayed on my Today Screen WITHOUT having a Theme Generator program such as this. What advantage will I have using this program instead of just importing a picture and putting that on my Today Screen? Did that make sense? LOL...

Sorry to be a pain in the arse!

07-26-2004, 01:38 AM
The saga continues... I figured out HOW to work the program... HOWEVER... When I went to send the theme to my HP 2215, I got an error message that says that "THE CONNECTED DEVICE IS NOT RUNNING PPC 2002. UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD THE SKIN."


07-26-2004, 06:33 PM
Theme programs are very OS specific. I personally use ThemeKing Plus. But, I don't create any animated Themes. I just use images that I have on my HD.

07-29-2004, 06:54 AM
The saga continues... I figured out HOW to work the program... HOWEVER... When I went to send the theme to my HP 2215, I got an error message that says that "THE CONNECTED DEVICE IS NOT RUNNING PPC 2002. UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD THE SKIN."


You know what you should do. Save the skin you made and dont automatically send it to your pocket pc. Just save it to a folder on your harddrive and copy it to your my documents folder on your pocket pc. That should do the trick.

Steven Cedrone
07-29-2004, 12:26 PM
Yup, do what Babykaye said! Manually move the themes to the Pocket PC and they will work. Let us know how you make out!
