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View Full Version : HELP!!! Deleting Activesync Partnership in 2210

07-19-2004, 05:54 AM
HI Guys. I used my Ipaq 2210 to connect to two computers. A business laptop to sync work related email and calendars. and a personal desktop to sync MSMoney 2003.

As i have just recently resigned from work and returned my laptop to them, I forgot to remove the activesync partnership. How do I remove that partnership in my PPC. I would like to sync all data now with my desktop.

Thanks for the advise. :D

07-19-2004, 09:33 AM
You just put your PPc into the cradle and the Activesync will ask you whether you want to create a partnership with this PPc with your desktop. You answer the questions and select the appropriate setting for calender, contact, etc in the Tools>Options. Remember you have to select what rules in your Tools>Options : that is whether you want to keep both of your PPc and your desktop data, or replaced all your data in your PPc by desktop's. After all you click finish and the Activesync will update all your outlook data both your PPc and desktop.