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View Full Version : Cingular all-you-can-eat data?

Underwater Mike
07-07-2004, 01:26 AM
I have absolutely given up on data access via Sprint. The speed may be higher than GPRS, but the cables and unreliability are killing me. Considering Cingular so I can get a T637, but I can't seem to find any option for unlimited data. Anyone here have a Cingular plan with unlimited data transfer?


Pat Logsdon
07-07-2004, 01:35 AM
If you don't mind getting a T610, you can go with T-Mobile and get free unlimited data (on restricted ports) with any call plan over $19.95/mo. Can't help with Cingular, unfortunately. :(

Zack Mahdavi
07-07-2004, 02:28 AM
I use T-Mobile as well, but Cingular does offer an unlimited data wireless plan. It's this MEdia Works (http://www.cingular.com/beyond_voice/media_packages) package. It includes a bunch of text and MMS messages as well. The price is $19.99 a month, so it's on par with T-Mobile.

Let us know who you decide to switch to.

07-07-2004, 03:14 AM
I recently signed up with the Cingular $19.95 unlimited data plan for my Motorola V600. It was a real pain to set up and get it working with my IPAQ 4155, but it does work. I haven't done a speed test on it, but it seems to be as fast as a 56k modem.

07-07-2004, 03:21 AM
I had the T-Mobile unlimited $19.99 plan (no ports were blocked) but I dumped it since I understand all TMobile plans have free WAP. The only thing I gave up was access to secure sites, which I never visit on my PDA anyway. Details are on www.howardforums.com for using the free service.

Underwater Mike
07-07-2004, 12:28 PM
I'm really jonesing for the 637, since the screen is so much better than the 610. If Sprint had a BT phone that they also sold with unlimited Vision service, I'd make do with the lousy reception in my area just to keep the higher data rates. But even with the Gomadic cable on my LG phone, not having BT still is wearing on me. Plus, having to use the cable means I can't use a keyboard and have access at the same time, unless I buy one of Socket's expensive CF-to-serial cards.

Mandrakus, do you know if any ports are blocked on the Cingular service? What I'm looking to do is typical stuff: Web, remote AS and IM. No running a pocket FTP server. :wink:

07-07-2004, 03:17 PM
I have Sprint, I have a BT phone, and I have unlimited Vision. I can connect my 4155 pretty much everywhere and the connection is great in my area. No regrets so far. :)

Underwater Mike
07-08-2004, 12:12 AM
Okay, spill the beans! T608? How'd you manage to get the BT phone and keep the unlimited Vision? I tried that -- I'm out of contract and thought they'd do anything to keep me -- but when I called to buy the phone, they would not activate it on my account unless I dropped the unlimited data. :(

I have Sprint, I have a BT phone, and I have unlimited Vision. I can connect my 4155 pretty much everywhere and the connection is great in my area. No regrets so far. :)