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View Full Version : Reliable router?

07-03-2004, 03:47 AM
Lately I've been looking for a new router. I had an SMC7004AWBR, but it had become very flaky, requiring resets (sometimes hard resets) on average every couple days; about two weeks ago, it completely died. So I got a US Robotics 8022 router from eBay to replace it, which has also been flaky.

The thing is, right now I'm still on dial-up, mostly due to the fact that that's all I have available (as far as I can tell) because of where we live.. So, I've had to get a router that supports dial-up.
I did find an ethernet modem made by Actiontec (which they call their Dual PC Modem), which I could use in conjunction with any regular router. The thing is, I want to get a router that actually works, and won't be flaky, and good tech support would help too.

So my question is, what companies seem reliable? I've heard good things about Linksys routers, but I've also read some bad reviews about them, in terms of reliability. Same with D-Link, and to the greatest extent NetGear. I've thought about buying an Apple Airport Extreme router, since it now works with Windows, has a built-in modem, and Apple is supposed to have very good support and reliability (for computers, at least; I imagine there probably isn't too big a discrepancy, especially since there's probably more profit in the Airport). Also, I've seen the Airport get almost nothing but good reviews online.

The Airport is definitely more expensive, but it does seem to be a good option (yes, even though it's Apple :lol: ). If that was the only one that was sure to be reliable (and assuming it is so reliable), then it may be worth the money. But first of all, what routers have you found that are reliable, and if any of you have had Airport routers, how good are they?

Anyway, my USR router is flaky, but it seems to have problems most when connecting or disconnecting to the internet. So I could just get the Dual PC Modem for it, and that may fix the problems it's having by not having it connect and disconnect by itself. Still, I would like to know what my other options are...

07-03-2004, 06:39 AM
Lately I've been looking for a new router. I had an SMC7004AWBR, but it had become very flaky, requiring resets (sometimes hard resets) on average every couple days; about two weeks ago, it completely died.
I have an SMC 7004AWBR that I bought in July 2001, and it's still working fine. When did you buy yours?

I did have a few problems in March or so where it would require a reset, but those seemed to be caused by using Norton Internet Security. Why, I have no idea. When I tried to open the admin page with NIS running, the router locked up; opening the admin page with NIS disabled worked. I just created a Web page that reminds me to turn NIS off before I try to open the admin page, and that page links to the admin page.

So my advice would be to get another SMC. Probably not what you wanted to hear, though. :-)


07-04-2004, 05:13 AM
I have an SMC 7004AWBR that I bought in July 2001, and it's still working fine. When did you buy yours?
Yup. As it happens, a friend of mine also has a working 7004AWBR.
A review on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005ARK4/ref=cm_rev_next/103-0654420-4178253?v=glance&s=electronics&n=507846&vi=customer-reviews&show=-submittime&start-at=11) talks about this discrepancy, and I've heard what they say confirmed on other sites:
I've owned this router for some time, and did tons of research. Granted I am not a typical user, you should be warned with this company's shady business practice. Many of you wonder what's going on with the mixed reviews and here's why...

SMC sells this router with 2 models with completely different hardware. One is the 750.5312 model. This is the model that was reviewed and gotten great reviews. Then the other 'shady' model they slipped into the market is the infamous 750.5435 model. This is the 'junk' model that they have not distributed to reviewers.

The 5312 model is wonderful piece. If you have it, you'll love it. Every 3 months or so, I will have to power it down, and I am not sure why. Besides that, it's wonderful. The router requires you to 'reboot' almost every time you change something, but it's a minior thing you have to live with.
- SecuRemote worked like a champ with no packet forwarding.

The 5435 has tons of problems and they are:
- Inability to handle large files (>100megs). It hands the router. (Supposidly a bad capacitor...)
- Unable to forward UDP packets. Though the router's page claims to work and their idiotic support claims they work, it doesn't. I spent weeks troubleshooting and sniffing the packets and found out it just doesn't foward udp packets.
- Router is flaky in general. I attribute this to combination of router getting confused with 2.4ghz phone nearby and overheating.

In short, I had a 5435 and after fighting battles with it and the support for 4 months, I got SMC to replace it with 5312. After a year with 5312, I am very pleased.

In short, if you have the 750.5435, it'll work fine for normal web surfing but beyond that, you will soon run into problems mentioned above. Maybe a newer firmware (I never saw one in 4 months), may resolve few things but their support is useless and will give you a run-around.

If you have the 750.5312, it's a keeper. I love mine.
Needless to say, I had the 5435. I imagine you have the 5312?

Other people have also talked about SMC support being basically worthless, which I bascially did experience firsthand trying to get mine fixed. And considering this too, I really don't think I would get another, if I had a choice anyway. By the way, I got mine in April 2003.

07-04-2004, 08:07 AM
Needless to say, I had the 5435. I imagine you have the 5312?
I just checked, and I do indeed have the 5312. I didn't know about the differences, but had noticed two different firmware upgrades for the 7004AWBR on the SMC support site, and had wondered why.

Interestingly, one of those positive reviews on Amazon is mine.
