View Full Version : Belt-Clipping Going Mainstream?
Janak Parekh
07-02-2004, 05:00 PM
I was walking down the street to my office in NYC this morning, and couldn't help but notice a casually-dressed female walking by, with an iPod and a cell phone on her jeans belt. This has become increasingly commonplace here, due to the huge popularity of both cell phones and iPods, but it never really struck me that, all of a sudden, it's no longer a guarantee that only uber-geeks would be caught wearing two electronic devices on their belt. 8O <br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />OK, so what I saw wasn't exactly this <a href="">Urban Utility Belt</a>, which is probably over the top. Still, I can't help but wonder if we're on the cusp of a belt-wearing revolution, given that some electronics devices are becoming necessary "lifestyle" items. The fact that many female jeans don't have pockets big enough for electronics only seems to speed up this trend -- it's either a bag or the belt for them. The <i>true</i> irony is, I personally don't wear anything on my belt - it's pockets or backpack for me. It just isn't a comfortable feel with anything there. What about you?
07-02-2004, 05:28 PM
Utility belt? ha! My old buddy Greg had what looked like a gun vest for cops in which he'd carry his devices (cell phone, palm pilot (sadly, tahts what he used..), blackberry, and one for his extra phone battery). He was never caught without it on, and he moved away but we all considered him too geeky.. I still think it's over the top :lol:
07-02-2004, 05:39 PM
I have to carry a pager and cell phone at work, as well as an ID/keycard. The pager goes on my belt, the phone (SE T616) goes on my belt in a case that holds it sideways, and the ID/Keycard gets clipped to my belt or my shirt pocket if I have one that day. For the phone I use a krusell case with sewn-on belt loops for sturdiness since I'm constantly bumping the arms of my chair, walls, getting hung up on equipment racks, etc.
I've tried carrying my 2215 in my covertec case on my belt as well, but I just feel too geeky doing that. Funny, the phone and pager don't really make me feel that geeky, maybe because they are so common. I usually carry my PDA in my pocket in an aluminum case.
When I go to the gym though, I use a little Jansport thingie that holds my pda, gym card, money, my earbuds, spare battery, wifi cf, and cf radio card. It has a belt-loopy velcro thing that I wrap around the handlebar of the lifecycle and it keeps everything in place while I pedal. I put the whole case under my weight bench or near my machine when I'm lifting, so I can whip out the PDA and make entries in MySportTraining between sets.
Janak Parekh
07-02-2004, 05:42 PM
Utility belt? ha!
Well... I didn't mean utility belts universally. I changed the title of this post to make it a bit clearer... ;)
07-02-2004, 05:52 PM
In other news, suspenders are coming back into style to support pants with 10 pounds of stuff hanging off them. :lol:
Sven Johannsen
07-02-2004, 05:52 PM
Most polls I can find an option that fits. Not this one. I don't put them on my belt because too many of them have popped off. Not so bad if it happens while I am bouncing on the bed, but at the top of several flights of concrete steps, it's bad for the hardware.
They are usually in a briefbag (it's not a case), or in a pocket, e-vest mobile pants, etc.
Oh, and it's not that women's jeans have small pockets, they wear them so tight a dime would have trouble fitting in there. Not complaining mind you, just an observation.
Janak Parekh
07-02-2004, 05:54 PM
Most polls I can find an option that fits. Not this one. I don't put them on my belt because too many of them have popped off. Not so bad if it happens while I am bouncing on the bed, but at the top of several flights of concrete steps, it's bad for the hardware.
I'd put that under "comfort" -- mental comfort. :)
James Fee
07-02-2004, 05:54 PM
Yesterday we were joking about the RetroPod ( over at Digital Media Thoughts ( I'd say the hip look is back, but my phone, my PDA and my iPod stay in my pocket.
07-02-2004, 05:59 PM
I used to keep stuff at my hip but now I've gone back to pockets.
07-02-2004, 06:02 PM
Most polls I can find an option that fits. Not this one. I don't put them on my belt because too many of them have popped off. Not so bad if it happens while I am bouncing on the bed, but at the top of several flights of concrete steps, it's bad for the hardware.
I'd put that under "comfort" -- mental comfort. :)
That and you don't have to worry about someone running behind you and yanking your stuff off your belt. It's a little harder to steal a PDA when it's in your pocket.
07-02-2004, 06:02 PM
for me its ppc in mt left pocket, keys and phone in my right pocket, wallet in my back pocket.
07-02-2004, 06:06 PM
for me its ppc in mt left pocket, keys and phone in my right pocket, wallet in my back pocket.
Palm in right pocket, calculator in left pocket, wallet back right pocket for me. I keep nothing on my belt. (I don't wear a belt)
Pat Logsdon
07-02-2004, 06:25 PM
I work in a corporate environment, so I need to dress professionally (belt, slacks or khakis, polo shirt at the minimum). I've ALWAYS used a Vaja case because they look very nice with my work clothes. I generally wear earth tones, so my tan and green case goes perfectly. My case goes on my right hip, my pocket watch in my right pocket, phone, VW key and house key in the left, wallet in back right. When I get an XDA II, I'll ditch the phone, sell the 4150, and get a new Vaja case. :mrgreen:
Rather than being tarred as a nerd or geek, I've actually been complimented on the case several times. Usually by people with phones in crappy leather & plastic cases. :wink:
The only thing I have on my belt is my Sanyo phone, using a Rivet Clip.
I have a couple of these clips, the belt one and one that lets me hang my phone from a loop or similer. Rivet Clips have worked really well for me.
Steven Cedrone
07-02-2004, 07:27 PM
The only device on my belt is my phone. I find that too many accidents happen to my gadgets when they hang on my belt (but I don't care about my phone - the company owns that POS). Heck, when I ordered my Vaja I made sure it didn't even have a belt clip...
07-02-2004, 07:39 PM
I wonder if Janak does not feel comfortable carrying his PDA on his belt because he is not very tall. I'm 195 cm (about 6 foot 5-6 inches) and there is plenty of space between my waist and my chest for electronic goodies. Having said that, Ive dropped many PDAs to the floor from my belt in the past, but its still the most convenient place to keep things
PS: Where's the CowboyNeal option? :)
Kevin C. Tofel
07-02-2004, 07:41 PM
Doesn't anyone else watch "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"???? As Carson said: "Cellular phones aren't fashion accessories"....substitute your gadget of choice in that phrase.... 8)
With the new Sena Case for my Tosh, I use the ID card holders for my license, my AMEX and my VISA check card. Essentially, my PPC & case has replaced my wallet and I keep my money in my pocket. My cell is also in my pocket.
07-02-2004, 07:55 PM
I use a belt clip for my phone; if my shirt is tucked in it's on my belt, if my shirt is untucked then it is clipped to my pocket. I keep my iPAQ in a case that uses a belt clip, but I only clip it to my belt (or pocket) if I am running around between offices and need constant access to it. Otherwise it goes in my bag or in my cargo pocket (if I'm wearing cargo shorts).
I try to not wear both the phone and PPC at the same time though :)
07-02-2004, 07:56 PM
Doesn't anyone else watch "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"????
I prefer Straight Plan for the Gay Man (Comedy Central) ;)
Jason Lee
07-02-2004, 08:01 PM
I almost never have my shirt tucked in so my ppc and phone clip on to my pockets. Phone on the right and PPC on the left. :) *insert music from old Clint Eastwood movie here*
07-02-2004, 08:09 PM
5 hours since Janak mentions Urban Utility Belt and the resulting torrential traffic from PPC Thoughts is sufficient to bring down the website?
We should list ourselves as availabale for website stress testing.
07-02-2004, 08:17 PM
I wear two phones and a pager on my belt. I have to wear business suits everyday to work and must have all three devices easily accessible. Would look worse to have all three stuffed in my pockets. I also have a blackberry, but, that is way too much to have on my belt so I usually keep it in my briefcase. I'm thinking of asking to have the converged Blackberry phone model issued and slim down to one device.
07-02-2004, 08:48 PM
Oh, and it's not that women's jeans have small pockets, they wear them so tight a dime would have trouble fitting in there. Not complaining mind you, just an observation.
I found this amusing because I've found myself changing pants if they don't have pockets. I won't even wear the pajamas I have if they don't have pockets.
07-02-2004, 09:11 PM
yeah I bet all the girls are after the guys with the hip packs... put it in your pocket geek!
07-02-2004, 09:19 PM
Maxim labeled belt clips as "the next pocket protector" So no, not fashionable
Zack Mahdavi
07-02-2004, 10:53 PM
for me its ppc in mt left pocket, keys and phone in my right pocket, wallet in my back pocket.
Same here... except on opposite sides. I never liked hanging devices off of my belt. I also felt like my arms would hit the device too much.
07-02-2004, 11:51 PM
I use clips ~50% of the time and they're on my pocket for most of that. When my devices aren't on a clip, they're either in an eVest if it's cooler out or PPC in my right pocket, whatever else in my left.
07-03-2004, 02:18 AM
They look stupid.
They break too easy on doors, tables, etc.
They look sad.
More than one device looks even sadder.
They look too tempting to hit and run theives.
They fall off too easily.
My pockets keep them warm and dry.
On the plus side.
Sorry, nope...
Drawing a blank there.
07-03-2004, 04:07 AM
Gun belts, tool belts, fanny packs, belt clips.......
Never had 'em, never will......any of 'em......ever.
07-03-2004, 05:55 AM
PPC in my shirt pocket (won't wear a shirt without a pocket), cell phone on the belt (that's why it's got to be small and light) and pager on my wrist (yes, geeky but effective).
On the right side, belt clip with a massive wad of keys, then my Motorola Timeport 935 (work requirement) next to that. Left side, Sanyo 4900 cell (another work toy) and a Leatherman. In my pockets (either Mobile Dockers or cargo pants), Toshiba E755 on the left, personal cell phone in the right. I'll sometimes hang the Toshiba in a Rhinoskin case on the left if I'm not using the extended battery, but find the belt clips break too easily. Just got their "revised" clip, haven't tested it yet. I can't fit all my stuff on my belt even though I'd like to!
07-03-2004, 11:01 AM
I usually carry a light load: cellphones on the left, PDA's on the right. And yes, I do have multiples of each: five phones, three PDA's.
Someone brought up a tactical vest? I'm getting one next month. When I'm out on a job (I'm a student journalist) I need to carry a ton of stuff with me yet still keep my hands free to operate a recorder or camera. I've found a dumpstore that sells a military tac vest with a dozen large pockets.
When I'm not on a job, I wear my reporter's vest (I know, I know, that sounds strange) which is a khaki vest with two large pockets and two smaller ones. I'm getting a new one next month as well; a slightly larger black version with some extra pockets.
Hey, at least I have an excuse to look like a swat officer.
07-03-2004, 03:47 PM
Maxim labeled belt clips as "the next pocket protector" So no, not fashionable
Who reads Maxim for the articles?
I thought Maxim = heavily airbrushed NN pictures of Paris Hilton.
07-03-2004, 04:32 PM
I've been looking for a cool looking leather (belt) case to carry my ppc, 2 cell phones, wallet, keys and maybe also the digicam for a while now. All I found looks really stupid. All of this stuff does not fit in my pant pockets, not even if I wear cargo pants, and I hate purses.
There was a link on this website for some really original leather bags once - I just can't find it any more. Does anyone remember it? Those bags had really long straps.
07-03-2004, 04:51 PM
Belt case? Man, you need an entire backpack to carry that! 8O
07-03-2004, 07:50 PM
Naaah, a big enough belt case would do. I've seen one once that also had a string to tie around the thigh (like with the guns holsters in the old-school cowboy movies) .. but it was a little too far ahead of its time. I'd feel like an idiot walking around with something like that.
07-03-2004, 10:56 PM
e-holster holds one work phone, one personal phone, ipaq, and depending on the task at hand leatherman tools or keyboard. It's all right at hand in the winter under my coat when in the car and it doesn't hit the bathroom floor with a crash. It may look over the top but it works fantastic. I wouldn't do it any other way after having this system for a couple of years now. Oh and when I need to take my camera somewhere i can rearrange some things and carry it along no problem. If looking stylish is important a suit coat or light sweater works just fine.
07-04-2004, 09:55 PM
At the moment I'm a four device man. IPAQ/Phone/IPOD/Wallet. The GPS tends to stay in the car. When I can finally buy the MPx I'm planning on swapping the the IPAQ+Phone+Wallet for a single device with good wallet (Vaja or prefer Krussel) case.
Don't carry much cash anymore but do carry quite a four/five cards so hopefully the Krussel case will suit me perfectly.
Jonathon Watkins
07-04-2004, 11:59 PM
Clip on holster for PPC on left hip, next to mobile phone. A PPC is just too big for pockets for my tastes, even the smaller PPCs.
Jason Dunn
07-05-2004, 08:53 PM
The only time I clip hardware to my belt is when I put on my cape and go out crime fighting. :mrgreen:
07-06-2004, 04:43 PM
Naaah, a big enough belt case would do. I've seen one once that also had a string to tie around the thigh (like with the guns holsters in the old-school cowboy movies) .. but it was a little too far ahead of its time. I'd feel like an idiot walking around with something like that.
How do you feel about the "shoulder holster" cell phone/PDA cases? They were heavily hyped for a while a few months ago, but I haven't seen any reference to them lately.
Perhaps the market quickly decided that, however convenient carrying a PDA there was, it just wasn't wise to give the impression that you were armed.
07-06-2004, 04:48 PM
The only time I clip hardware to my belt is when I put on my cape and go out crime fighting. :mrgreen:
Jason, be sure to put your cellphone on "vibrate" when crime fighting. You wouldn't want a telemarketer to give away your position when you're stalking The Joker.
Kati Compton
07-06-2004, 06:26 PM
Oh, and it's not that women's jeans have small pockets, they wear them so tight a dime would have trouble fitting in there. Not complaining mind you, just an observation.
That too, but they're also (usually) shorter. So, there's no front pocket space below the "bend" of thigh/hips when sitting. Even with just a credit card in my pocket, sitting down makes it poke partway out of the pocket (and sometimes fall out).
Jason Dunn
07-06-2004, 07:37 PM
Jason, be sure to put your cellphone on "vibrate" when crime fighting. You wouldn't want a telemarketer to give away your position when you're stalking The Joker.
Thanks, you're SO right about that. I was about to pounce on a group of thugs one night when my Smartphone downloaded some email (I'm on the Justice League mailing list you see), and it made a loud BING sound, then they started shooting at me. So terribly embarrasing. :oops:
Jonathon Watkins
07-06-2004, 11:04 PM
Jason, be sure to put your cellphone on "vibrate" when crime fighting. You wouldn't want a telemarketer to give away your position when you're stalking The Joker.
Thanks, you're SO right about that. I was about to pounce on a group of thugs one night when my Smartphone downloaded some email (I'm on the Justice League mailing list you see), and it made a loud BING sound, then they started shooting at me. So terribly embarrasing. :oops:
Rocky_raher, you forget, Jason *is* the Joker! :jester: :wink:
I find that the vibrate mode of my phone still works through my belt clip though.....
I used to make fun of the guys with phones and PPCs clipped on their belt :?
Now i find myself with my cell phone, ( soon to be accompanied by a PPC ) and when im on call a pager on my belt during work hours. Im in the military and being able to be reached at any time is essential. Now im the one made fun of :lol: 8)
07-10-2004, 04:30 PM
Nothing on the belt when not at work, but when at work:
- 1 or 2 pagers on right side (depending if on call or not)
- Tungsten T3 in Proporta hard case ( with belt clip on the left
- SE T630 in my trouser pocket
Basically it's the most comfortable place to keep things - too heavy for shirt pocket (& prone to falling out if I bend forward) and don't want to sit on things by mistake! Noticed quite a few people at work now have PDAs on their belt.
07-11-2004, 02:10 AM
:roll: Great, all this talk about belts to support all the gadgets, but my question is this....what do you use for all the stuff if you've narrow hips and the belts all fall down way low? This is really uncomfortable (same feeling like if your pants are falling off!).
Any suggestions?
BTW: I'm a woman so until any better ideas evolve, I've simply taken to carrying all my gadgets in a bag that has many pockets...if I'm thinking clearly I am able to keep each gadget in it's own pocket to avoid confusion (but at times this plan fails and there's the ever popular phone scramble/bag've probably seen this...when a woman has a bag so full of stuff that when her phone rings she can't find it so immediately defaults to dumping everything out...this can be pretty've got to have a sense of humor :wink: ).
Also, I'm a high school math teacher...this lends itself to carrying around tons of stuff....I would love to minimize.
Janak Parekh
07-11-2004, 02:21 AM
:roll: Great, all this talk about belts to support all the gadgets, but my question is this....what do you use for all the stuff if you've narrow hips and the belts all fall down way low? This is really uncomfortable (same feeling like if your pants are falling off!).
Well, in the instance that triggered this post, the devices did hang a little bit, and (IMHO) looked a bit silly. However, I've seen this more and more often. People seem to put up with it. Of course, hanging a cell phone, being lighter and smaller, is more feasible than a Pocket PC.
For guys, at least, the belts are worn tight enough that it suspends a few gadgets. I used to carry a 10.4oz Qualcomm pdQ clipped to my belt. 8O That thing jiggled even with my belt, and people used to joke that I was carrying a self-defense weapon on my hip. :P
I'm sure some of the female Pocket PC users here will chime in with their own opinions...
(but at times this plan fails and there's the ever popular phone scramble/bag've probably seen this...when a woman has a bag so full of stuff that when her phone rings she can't find it so immediately defaults to dumping everything out...this can be pretty've got to have a sense of humor :wink: ).
Except when the person's using a very "annoying" ring. There seems to be a law that "the more annoying the ring, the longer it takes for the person to fish out the phone" -- and I've seen it happen for both men and women. :|
Also, I'm a high school math teacher...this lends itself to carrying around tons of stuff....I would love to minimize.
One choice is a convergent device, which I know some people go for because of that very reason.
07-24-2004, 07:47 PM
Oh, and it's not that women's jeans have small pockets, they wear them so tight a dime would have trouble fitting in there. Not complaining mind you, just an observation.
I won't speak to the JEANS issue, but as a PC tech who hasn't yet found her permanent dream job that will allow her to wear jeans to work, I'm forced to wear khakis and other "office-appropriate" attire, and those idiot designers insist on clean lines (essentially, if you are lucky enough to get pockets, then they don't condescend to making them truly functional). I cannot count the number of times I've bought pants with what seem like ok pockets, then get into my car or sit down in a chair, to hear the ching-ching of my change falling out, or times that I've reached into my back pocket to find my dollar bills and other contents about to fall out. I suspect that, despite the stereotypes, most clothing makers are hetero males, and they don't want useful pockets interfering with the view. If I could find a clothing designer, It'd take a crane to get my fingers pried from his or her throat. Fashion? Who gives a rat's butt? I wear my tennis shoes with my slacks, thank you! back on topic. Pockets are rarely an option. I hate the bigleg pants, but I've taken to wearing the cargo pants (I read they're out of style, now), so that I can put my devices in them. My phone and pager (work makes me carry that) do go on my hip, but I wear long shirts most of the time, so it isn't that obvious. Where's my PPC? Um...well...I've been forgetting to charge it, since I got my TabletPC...but I'm going to carry it again, honest! It's just that my new phone synchronizes with Outlook...and...well, I need a bigger SD card!
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