View Full Version : Daxian CU928 Coming To Sprint As The PPC6600?
Janak Parekh
06-25-2004, 08:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div>It seems more and more likely that the CU928, a 1x capable Pocket PC phone with retractable keyboard currently sold in China, will be coming to Sprint with each passing day. Sprint PCS Info has some more information on the handset. Among other things, it'll feature: <li> 128MB of RAM<br /><li> Embedded VGA-quality camera with flash<br /><li> Bluetooth <img src="" /><br /><br />The device is also rumored to be released in <a href="">GSM form in Europe</a>... but the potential of a 1x CDMA carrier having a Bluetooth Pocket PC Phone is tremendous; I <b>really</b> hope this isn't too good to be true! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
06-25-2004, 08:51 PM
I love CDMA!! and now SprintPCS is my friend :D Nice to see a rumor come true!!
Zack Mahdavi
06-25-2004, 08:55 PM
Sprint is looking more and more enticing as the days pass. T-Mobile's coverage in Austin absolutely stinks. Now, Sprint offers the new "free-and-flexible plan," great phones, good features, and more importantly, excellent reception!
This device itselfs looks great, but I'd have to see it in person to judge if it's the right Pocket PC for me. Hope we'll see more and more devices make their way to CDMA.
Interesting. If this and the rumored Treo Ace both arrive on Sprint I might well be tempted to invest in one of them.
If the specs of the Treo are correct that is most likely to be my choice, but this PPC is worth checking out. Of course, the Treo looks as though it continues the tradition of coming up short in some areas. 32MB RAM? Hmmmm.
06-25-2004, 09:08 PM
Data makes money for phone companies. Pocketpc phone users use a lot more data than similar symbian or palm products (probably reflects the type of users and the flexibility of the software)
Result - more and more pocketpcphone devices will be released at very good subsidies.
Result 2: Very Happy bunny :) :) :lol:
06-25-2004, 09:27 PM
The picture at this ( link (same one from above) is formatted very similar to the 'faxed copy of a page from a presentation' with-in Sprint. The Fax can be view here (
These two must have come from the same place and if the PPC PE comes from Sprint that sheds good light on the Treo Ace.
06-25-2004, 10:10 PM
Oh LORDY LORDY! Finally a decent PPC Phone for Sprint and CDMA!!!!!!!! :D
06-25-2004, 10:19 PM
This could get me to switch from T-Mobile to Sprint - I still would love to get my hands on an MPx as that form factor is killer. However, the prospect of this device, with it's faster internet is very intriguing.
I'm glad I'm not currently under contract to any mobile phone provider. I get to chose my phone and carrier whenever one of these PPCPE devices actually becomes reality.
My one negative thought is that Sprint is notorius for dragging their feet when it comes to new phones. It seems they are always announced 12-18 months before they are available. At least that was the case when I was a Sprint Customer a few years back.
06-25-2004, 10:42 PM
Very inetersting indeed. I do have a couple questions though:
-Its my understanding that ~ 90% of Sprint PCS phone (which are primarily CDMA) have analog cellular capability too....true or false?
-If the above is true, will this device have analog?
-If it does, it would give the phone the best coverage, BUT suck the battery life in an hour or two.
I definetely will watch this device closely, as I too am not under contract to any provider and would consider jumping ship for the right device.
06-25-2004, 10:46 PM
I'm currently using a Treo 600, and will upgrade to either this one or Treo Ace. Sprint charges extra $15 for a PocketPC phone, and it will affect my decision. With the introduction of BT on Treo Ace though, I suspect Sprint might be tempted to increase data cost for Treo, too.
06-25-2004, 10:47 PM
I've "Heard" that this device will also be available by verizon as well. I hope Sprint launches this soon as I'm about to launch my T608 right out the window if it keeps giving me problems. It's also been said that this device can be upgraded to EvDO :D, if so I have to get one, or two.
Janak Parekh
06-25-2004, 10:53 PM
-Its my understanding that ~ 90% of Sprint PCS phone (which are primarily CDMA) have analog cellular capability too....true or false?
Many of them have dual-mode, but not all. For example, their Pocket PC Phones have typically been digital-only; so's their Treo 600, I believe. I'd expect this one to be digital-only, and in general both Sprint and Verizon are moving to digital-only phones.
06-25-2004, 11:12 PM
Sprint offers excellent reception!
If the device has analog, you're absolutely right (but it will suck battery then).
If the device doesn't have analog (which people are saying it doesn't), then I don't see where you are getting your information: AT&T's GSM covereage is much greater than Sprints Digital.....just compare national maps. I would love to be proven wrong about this though.
Sprint does have faster data than AT&T's GPRS (non-EDGE), and some have said this new Sprint PPCPE will be upgradable to EV-DO (or something). What speed will this device have "out of the box" and, if it will be upgradable, what speeds could it achieve then?
06-25-2004, 11:45 PM
One comment, one question. First the question. Why do all PPC phones look so bad? I realize that taste is subjective, but I haven't seen one yet that I would whip out for the "wow" factor. For instance, the Treo 600 and the Blackberry both have the "wow" factor, no PPC phone does. They all just look like a brick pasted to a face. Now I'm certain that most of us are much more worried about functionality than looks, but if I'm going to drop $600, I want both (I guess I'm just shallow like that).
Now the question. What is the Treo Ace? Is it the Treo 600, but using the MS mobile OS? I tried the links included in this thread and a search on google with no luck.
06-26-2004, 12:38 AM
Selling currently in China, huh? Forgive me but I must be off-base with reality. It's hard for me to consider China a hotbed of technology, so why China? I'm curious.
Janak Parekh
06-26-2004, 01:51 AM
One comment, one question. First the question. Why do all PPC phones look so bad?
Is there not one that you like? I thought the original Pocket PC Phone had fine styling, and I don't really have any problems with my current i700. Besides, the MPx... :drool: I think that has more "wow" than the Treo 600, by far.
Now the question. What is the Treo Ace? Is it the Treo 600, but using the MS mobile OS? I tried the links included in this thread and a search on google with no luck.
It's the rumored successor to the Treo 600, possibly with higher-res display, faster processor, and Bluetooth. It'll still be running PalmOS 5.x ("Garnet"), though.
Selling currently in China, huh? Forgive me but I must be off-base with reality. It's hard for me to consider China a hotbed of technology, so why China? I'm curious.
Actually, China is a pretty decent hotbed with respect to releasing new CDMA devices. A number of interesting Pocket PC Phones have been released there over the last year. Proximity to Korea, where many of these devices are made in the first place, might be a reason... In general, CDMA deployment is very strong in East Asia, including Japan.
06-26-2004, 01:58 AM
I definitely like the MPx, though I wouldn't say it beats the Treo in the "wow" department (but again, purely subjective). But thats it.
I guess I'm just a little frustrated. I've been waiting for a decent looking PPC phone since I gave up my Treo 300 over 2 years ago. There is no way I thought I would still be waiting. I actually went to T-Mobile today to consider switching from Sprint just so I could get the color Blackberry. NOW THAT'S DESPERATION! Fortunately I came to my senses. If the Treo 600 was a tad lighter, I would have JUMPED on it the moment it came out. Same thing with the Ace. I would hate to leave PPC, but as a casual user, many of the technical PPC features are lost on me. Ebook, Internet, MP3, and basic PDA functionality. If I can get that, with a phone, in a lightweight device that looks good, I'm there.
Now the question. What is the Treo Ace? Is it the Treo 600, but using the MS mobile OS? I tried the links included in this thread and a search on google with no luck.
The Treo Ace is the rumored replacement for the Treo 600. There was a story and pictures on Treo Central this morning but it had to be removed. No doubt because of the effect on current Treo 600 sales. I certainly wouldn't even think of getting a 600 at this time.
Thanks to Google you can still see the page here:
There is also a story on it at
The Ace is similar to the 600 but has a 320 x 320 screen and BT. It also seems to be slightly smaller than the 600. If it's real and on Sprint, I might have to get one :D
06-26-2004, 02:09 AM
Thanks to Google you can still see the page here:
There is also a story on it at
The Ace is similar to the 600 but has a 320 x 320 screen and BT. It also seems to be slightly smaller than the 600. If it's real and on Sprint, I might have to get one :D
D*mn, I hate when that happens. I swear, dh, I did a search :oops: ! I guess goggle just likes you better :D .
Thanx for the link!
D*mn, I hate when that happens. I swear, dh, I did a search :oops: ! I guess goggle just likes you better :D .
Nope, not at all. I just noticed the link in a forum at another site so I can't take any credit, I couldn't find it on Google either. :lol:
06-26-2004, 02:40 AM
Why China? Well, I go to China often you'd be surprised with how fast they are developing... Each time I visit there is some new building or a new road or bridge or cross-country gas/oil pipes or telco services.
This means there is money there! And once you get the money... you get the power, then you get the women (thanks Tony: sorry couldn't resist :mrgreen:) China is one heck of a BIG Market, also the CU928 (which they say is the MDAIII although some report it as made by HTC) is made by Daxian (a Mainland Company).
In my visits I see a lot of ads for Mobiles; these are usualy flip with cameras the usual stuff, however I do notice an increase in PPC PE ads as well and not just from the big name companies (i.e. hp, DELL, Tosh etc) but from Local Mainland Companies as well (i.e. Legend/Lenovo, Daxian etc etc). Also buying a PPC PE Device doesn't mean you know how to use it or that you will; but you can learn to; can't you?
As an off-topic example: My long time supplier in China bought a brand spanking new BMW 7 series (it costs a hell of a lot more over there cause of taxes); now this is a very nice car the problem is he didn't know how to operate the damned thing... When I first rode with him he couldn't even start it (turns out that he forgot to put in park and the engine wouldn't start as a built-in safety feature) so we were stuck at the airport parking area for around 15-20 minutes... with him cursing his new car :roll: I couldn't help since the car's UI was localized (I can speak/understand basic Mandarin but not read that well)
06-26-2004, 10:09 AM
Not to detract from this pocketpc, but the Treo Ace has the look of an upcoming cult classic, like the Ipod. Its been the only palm which has ever made me consider switching.
The fact is though that it will mainly be bought by the Palmistas, who, as reflected in their belief in the zen of palm, will only use the wonderful hardware to keep their diaries.
Ill wait for a more manly pocketpc like the Mpx, where you can see functionality is as important as style.
Zack Mahdavi
06-26-2004, 06:40 PM
Sprint offers excellent reception!If the device doesn't have analog (which people are saying it doesn't), then I don't see where you are getting your information: AT&T's GSM covereage is much greater than Sprints Digital.....just compare national maps. I would love to be proven wrong about this though.
I guess results vary from place to place, but in October, I switched to AT&T's brand new GSM network in Austin. The network was about 3 months old. Sad to say, at the University of Texas at Austin campus, reception absolutely stunk. The second you walked into a building, you lost all reception. When you were out of a building, you were lucky to get 2 out of 6 bars... :| Calls were constantly dropped if you dared move six feet. Nevertheless, I quickly returned my phone and cancelled my contract during the first 30 days.
I then switched to T-Mobile that month, and their GSM network is slightly better in this area. However, reception in buildings still stinks. Calls are dropped all the time.
Anyway, my contract with T-Mobile expires in October, and I'm definitely considering switching. I've always heard good things about Sprint in Austin. A few of my friends have never dropped a call with their Sprint phones. I've also heard that the Cingular/AT&T Wireless joint GSM network has improved a lot in this area, but I'm a little hesistant of switching back to them.
I really wish companies would start showing some confidence by advertising a "24 hour test drive" kind of thing, where you could rent a phone for 24 hours and take it whereever you usually go to test out reception. Unfortunately, they don't, so it's really hard to pick a carrier with good reception.
06-26-2004, 07:42 PM
Sprint is looking more and more enticing as the days pass. T-Mobile's coverage in Austin absolutely stinks. Now, Sprint offers the new "free-and-flexible plan," great phones, good features, and more importantly, excellent reception!
This device itselfs looks great, but I'd have to see it in person to judge if it's the right Pocket PC for me. Hope we'll see more and more devices make their way to CDMA.
I don't know. I live in the Leander/CEdar Park/Austin area and everyone I know with Sprint hates it. I've been using T-Mobile and except on 360 over the bridge its coverage has been awesome.
06-26-2004, 07:58 PM
Sprint offers excellent reception!If the device doesn't have analog (which people are saying it doesn't), then I don't see where you are getting your information: AT&T's GSM covereage is much greater than Sprints Digital.....just compare national maps. I would love to be proven wrong about this though.
I guess results vary from place to place, but in October, I switched to AT&T's brand new GSM network in Austin. The network was about 3 months old. Sad to say, at the University of Texas at Austin campus, reception absolutely stunk. The second you walked into a building, you lost all reception. When you were out of a building, you were lucky to get 2 out of 6 bars... :| Calls were constantly dropped if you dared move six feet. Nevertheless, I quickly returned my phone and cancelled my contract during the first 30 days.
I then switched to T-Mobile that month, and their GSM network is slightly better in this area. However, reception in buildings still stinks. Calls are dropped all the time.
Anyway, my contract with T-Mobile expires in October, and I'm definitely considering switching. I've always heard good things about Sprint in Austin. A few of my friends have never dropped a call with their Sprint phones. I've also heard that the Cingular/AT&T Wireless joint GSM network has improved a lot in this area, but I'm a little hesistant of switching back to them.
I really wish companies would start showing some confidence by advertising a "24 hour test drive" kind of thing, where you could rent a phone for 24 hours and take it whereever you usually go to test out reception. Unfortunately, they don't, so it's really hard to pick a carrier with good reception.
Yes - in the buildings T-Mobile can be difficult to use. But I haven't seen much better with anything but CDMA for that.
07-26-2004, 09:08 PM
For those of you who currently use the combined devices, is it really worth it, compromise I mean to have just a single package?
I really am tired of carrying 2 devices, ipaq 3955 and sanyo 8100, both big dogs...and I too am stuck in a 2 year contract with Sprint and have recently been looking at the upcoming treo ace.
I hate to leave ppc, but unless something comes to sprint, I don't have a heck of a lot of choice.
Bottom line is: Is it worth the trade off for a single device?
Also, what kind of web surfing can I expect on a sprint device?
07-27-2004, 03:04 PM
Is there a way to follow development on this with Sprint, it looks exactly like what I need. I'm wondering if it will still have the basic Ipaq type features and software that I'm used to? Mainly Mp3, Remote control, gaming ability, and of course email/web...
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