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View Full Version : Locking and Kiosk Mode

06-20-2004, 10:01 PM

First timer with Pocket PC and wanting to do some cool things.

I am using the i700 from Samsung (its amazing, except needs WIFI)

Anyways, can anyone direct me to some information on locking down other programs or just putting the i700 in kiosk mode? I know C and C++ as well as can create apps in Flash...

I don't want to spend the 1000 for the SPB Kiosk Engine. ...


06-24-2004, 08:07 AM
Well for starters make your application run in full screen mode, then remap all the hardware buttons to either do nothing or something related to the kiosk app, make your application automatically startup when the PPC is turned on and finally catch any messages that say that your app has lost focus and in turn send messages to ensure that your app regains focus.

To disable hardware buttons:
GXDLL_API int GXOpenInput ()
(havent tried it myself so I'm not sure if it works for all hardware buttons)

To focus your app:
BOOL SetForegroundWindow(
HWND hWnd );

And for fullscreen:
BOOL SHFullScreen(
HWND hwndRequester,
DWORD dwState);