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View Full Version : Dialing up via my mobile to my operators' GPRS service?

06-18-2004, 12:39 PM
Hi guys - Just a relatively simple post. I've been haunting these forums for a while, but on Friday I took the plunge and registered for them, so I thought I may as well put my registration to good use ;)

Currently when I'm out and about I use my iPaq h4150 to dial up to an ISP using an 0845 (UK) Number. I read in the past that I can enter a dial up number/password/username that'll enable me to connect to my mobile phone service providers' (02 in the UK) GPRS service.

Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? :lol: I thought the number was something like '*99*' but it doesn't seem to work...

Any thoughts? :?

06-18-2004, 01:10 PM
I have this setup on orange so I'm afraid i do not know the specifics for O2
You need to find out from your phone the order of your connections on your phone.
The number to dial from your iPAQ is then *99***x#
where x is the number of your connection.
e.g. (List might look like this)
1. GPRS Internet
2. MMS
3. GPRS Wap
(you want the internet connection)
If this was the order of connections then you would dial *99***1#.
Orange uses a blank username and password for the connection and I'm pretty sure that is what 02 have as well.

Let me know if i can help any further.


06-18-2004, 01:36 PM
Brilliant Tom, thanks.

I knew the basic idea behind getting the connection, but I couldn't recall what the exact symbols/numbers were to get the iPaq to 'talk' to the phone.

I'll give it a try when I get home tonight and see how far I get :)