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06-17-2004, 04:02 PM
I have an IPAQ H3835 make pocket pc which unfortunately fall down from my pocket one day.After that It got charged for some time and then switched off on it's own.Since then neither it is charging up nor powering on how much I tried.

None of the parts either external or internal are damaged or broken I verified all the things on my own part.However the problem remains.Here in India Compaq do not have repair centers for the same and when contacted to get some assistance INDIA office says that they only help in hard resetting the device at INDIA and no diagonostic test are performed, and they can only give me a quote for buying a new one which is pretty ridiculous.

I would appreciate if I can get some help from anyone in this regard.Also if shipment of the device is required for diagonosis then I can do that but I do need some assurance that proper diagonosis will be performed and if buying another one is the only option left after diagonosis then I will doing the same.However if it can be repaired then i am ready to pay all the expenses to your services.If anyone has circuitry diagram for IPAQ H3835 for cross refrence that will be highly appreciated.

Kindly help and suggest.

milkman dan
06-17-2004, 09:08 PM
I repait laptops for a living, but recently have been buyign broken pda's off ebay, fixing them, and selling them back again. If you are POSOTIVE the LCD is working, then you won't have much of a problem whatsoever. If you live in canada, I can give you a hand with this if you want, as long as you cover shipping charges and cost of materials needed. You can pick up units with broken LCDs for well under 50US :D

Janak Parekh
06-20-2004, 05:52 AM
Alternatively, check out Pocket PC Techs (www.pocketpctechs.com) - they specialize in Pocket PC repair and may be able to help you. :) Send them an email and see what they have to say.


milkman dan
06-20-2004, 06:04 AM
from the looks of it they don't do any 3800 stuff >:|

Janak Parekh
06-20-2004, 06:32 AM
from the looks of it they don't do any 3800 stuff >:|
Never hurts to email them, as they do some more repairs than their website indicates.
