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View Full Version : Advice on a PPC keyboard needed.

06-15-2004, 08:00 PM
I am thinking of buiying a wirless keyboard off of ebay, however i am not sure that they are good quality. Has anyone ever got one of those "no name" keyboards.

I am wondering if my iPaq will actually "sync" with the keyboard or if I will have to keep repositioning the sensors. If you have got one let me know if it worked. Or if anyone else found a good one for cheap let me know. Thanks. -Ken

06-15-2004, 10:08 PM
No one better say anything... :D .... but I actually use the Palm wireless infrared keyboard with my toshiba e805. The keyboard was pretty cheap and all I had to do was download the driver. I am not sure what kind of keyboard you are talking about, but you have to be carefull with the tactile feel of some of those keyboard. Some of them just have horrible feedback and you cannot even tell when you have pressed a button.

Robb Bates
06-15-2004, 10:17 PM
If it's the Pocketop (http://www.pocketop.net/) keyboard, don't get it. You'll have a heck of a time getting it to work with your h22xx. I had one and got rid of it.

I use the HP foldable keyboard and absolutely love it. I really don't see the benefit of having a wireless keyboard. Yes, you *might* not have to upgrade your keyboard if you upgrade your PPC. But other than that, what's so great about it?


Stephen Beesley
06-16-2004, 12:35 PM
I am thinking of buiying a wirless keyboard off of ebay, however i am not sure that they are good quality. Has anyone ever got one of those "no name" keyboards.

I am wondering if my iPaq will actually "sync" with the keyboard or if I will have to keep repositioning the sensors. If you have got one let me know if it worked. Or if anyone else found a good one for cheap let me know. Thanks. -Ken

If you are thinking of this keyboard (http://www.suntekstore.com/pm-kb-ir-501.html), I have been using one for a few months now and have just submitted a full review of it which, hopefully, will be appearing on the site soon.

In brief, however, I felt it performed solidly set up was pretty straight forward and apart from the keys being smaller than I would prefer (for my rather largish fingers :D) I had no problems with it.

If this is the keyboard you are looking at and want any specific details let me know.