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View Full Version : Please point me to a wireles guide..... for synching

06-14-2004, 09:29 PM
I have an HP 5555.

My usb port is messed up and can only use it to synch after sacrificing 10 paperclips, a pen and four binder clips. Really, I have to balance it on the cord to get the right angle for a connection :(

I can repair it... which is fine in two months when I'm on vacation.

OR I can try to synch wirelessly....

I have a wi-fi set up at home.... and bluetooth in the office. I don't know if I can set up a wi-fi in my office because I'm a corporate slave whos computer is plugged into the wall. So I might have to use both bluetooth and wi-fi synching.

I can't get any information on how to set up the wi-fi with my home network such that the pocket PC "finds" my computer over my kids and synchs.... and I cant get my bluetooth PC at work to find the Pocket PC... could anyone point me to a step by step for setting these up?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Mark R Penn
06-15-2004, 04:38 PM
I've never tried with Bluetooth, but know it's possible.

For wifi, see this (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone/columns/bowman/september24.asp). It's old and based arround PPC2000, but it should get you going.


Mark R Penn
06-15-2004, 09:35 PM
Here's (http://wifi.aximsite.com/sync.html) a more up to date and complete guide.

06-15-2004, 11:44 PM
but keep in mind that the BT is sooo slow compared to wifi.
especialy copiying big files over BT is a real pain.
i copy mp3 files to my sandisk SD card over BT with only 30-40 kb/sec

06-16-2004, 12:43 AM
I really appreciate the help... this was up and running on my home system in minutes.... :)

If I may... If I purchase a network wireless hub and plug it between my computer and my wall socket can I do the same at work?

Mark R Penn
06-16-2004, 12:53 AM
I think that would work, but I recon your IT dept would have something to say about you opening up their LAN to wifi access. You'd probably also find yourself having to change that WINS IP address every time you went from home to work and back, as I doubt the IP address you're given at work is the same as the one at home.

What I'd really like to know myself is whether you can sync using wifi on an ad hoc basis. In other words, can you connect a wifi laptop to a wifi PPC with no access points or routers involved, and then sync? It seams to me that should be possible, and it would solve your problem at work if I've understood you correctly.

06-16-2004, 02:29 PM
What I'd really like to know myself is whether you can sync using wifi on an ad hoc basis. In other words, can you connect a wifi laptop to a wifi PPC with no access points or routers involved, and then sync?
Newbie here - to this forum at least - but I'll answer regardless...

Yes you can. I've currently got my desktop at home running a DLink wireless PCI card in adhoc mode so that I can sync and surf the net on my PPC. Its just a matter of enabling the wireless adapter on the PC and then following the Wireless Activesync guide link that you posted earlier from aximsite.com.
