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View Full Version : Are there any DVD-to-VCD programs?

06-13-2004, 09:05 AM
My DVD player just broke. :( So, I'm stuck with watching DVD's on my computer or watching old VCD's using my antique, 3 year old VCD player. :oops:

Are there any programs out there that can convert and compress my DVD collection to VCD format? Preferably free-ware and spyware free :)Or will copy-encryption prevent me from doing it?


06-13-2004, 11:23 AM
:shocked!: :jawdrop: :bangin: Aw come on, give me a break! A DVD player only cost $50 nowadays and it can also play MP3, Kodak photo CD and directories of JPEG pictures.

For GOD sakes, BUY another DVD player.


There is a nice FREEWARE program called DVD2SVCD (http://www.dvd2dvd.org/) that will do what you want.

06-13-2004, 12:14 PM
It's not VCD, like you were asking for, but since ultimately you were looking for a way to watch DVDs on your computer, here's what I've been doing lately, which will work for you, too: I found a program called SimpleDivx, which makes beautiful copies of DVDs -- excellent full-size picture, excellent sound, and you can specify how big you want the final file to be, in case you want to back it up to CD.

You can download it here:

The only thing that frustrated me about this is that I'd already about a $35 VCD program to do it, which took forever to make crap copies of movies in which the sound and video weren't even synched. SimpleDivx is freeware, much faster, and much better.

06-14-2004, 12:10 AM
I've seen em for less then $30. converting dvd to vcd takes so long and is a far bigger pain then just buying a new dvd player.

06-14-2004, 01:52 AM
u can get a dvd player for under $50 if you look around

milkman dan
06-14-2004, 09:56 AM
omg... a vcd player! thats soo retro :D you should sell that puppy and pick up a snazzy new dvd player. or how about a 15 foot SVIDEO cable to run to your TV from PC? my monitor is bigger than my tv so I am happy with using it instead :D