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View Full Version : Windows Mobile 2003 SE Overview

Jason Dunn
06-11-2004, 06:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.pocketnow.com/index.php?a=portal_detail&t=reviews&id=408' target='_blank'>http://www.pocketnow.com/index.php?...=reviews&id=408</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Between added support for landscape and higher resolution screens, it seems that many longtime Pocket PC enthusiasts are finally having their prayers answered. Little niceties have been added as well, included a better looking icon set and further refinements to the Connections control applet."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/snap004.gif" /> <br /><br />Great article! This is one of the best Windows Mobile 2003 SE overviews I've read, and it taught me a few new things about the OS. Assigning the screen rotation to a button is a clever move, and is certainly easier than the hidden option that Microsoft buried deep in the control panel. The article doesn't mention the font size slider, which is one of the best new features for my needs: smaller fonts mean more data on the screen at once. And we're not talking about a registry hack for font size that messes up dialogue windows - it's a smooth, system-wide font change. It only changes it in "content" windows though - so, for example, in the Contacts application it displays your contacts in a smaller font, but the menus at the top and bottom are in the same font. 2003 SE is a decent update, but it won't really show it's true power until we have more VGA devices and new form-factors such as square-screen devices with keyboards.

06-11-2004, 06:51 PM
Even with having only Qvga, i love wm2003se. Its been doing great things for my battery life, landscape mode is a joy to use for video and spreadsheet, and wmmx has given me great performance

06-11-2004, 06:56 PM
Anyone heard any rumors about when HP will release their WM2003SE upgrade for the h415x?

They're releasing their next line of Pocket PCs within the next month or so(?), so I'm assuming they'll release the upgrade for the older devices a couple months after that.

Sound about right?

Kevin C. Tofel
06-11-2004, 07:12 PM
Great article....I especially like the hardware button setting trick to Rotate Screen!!!!

I have to say that I was very hesitant about upgrading to SE...I was going to keep using MyVGA for VGA "support". However, the added VGA support of the MS built in apps as well as the screen rotation without rebooting has made it very worthwhile....not to mention the clear and chic new card backs in Solitaire... 8)


06-11-2004, 09:40 PM
This is probably a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Is this new OS optimized for the newer and faster processors? I was looking at the new Dell X30 and wondering if I could take advantage of the MHZ.

06-11-2004, 11:31 PM
Does anyone knows if clear type is present in landscape mode on the Toshiba e805 running 2003 SE?

I´ll be EXTREMELY disappointed if it isn´t

06-11-2004, 11:58 PM
Anyone heard any rumors about when HP will release their WM2003SE upgrade for the h415x?

They're releasing their next line of Pocket PCs within the next month or so(?), so I'm assuming they'll release the upgrade for the older devices a couple months after that.

Sound about right?

Its already out. I found the upgrade on HP's site. Price is $29.99. Question is, is it worth it?

Kevin C. Tofel
06-12-2004, 12:18 AM
Does anyone knows if clear type is present in landscape mode on the Toshiba e805 running 2003 SE?

I´ll be EXTREMELY disappointed if it isn´t

It most certainly is......(and it rocks!!!) :wink:


06-12-2004, 12:20 AM
Does anyone knows if clear type is present in landscape mode on the Toshiba e805 running 2003 SE?

I´ll be EXTREMELY disappointed if it isn´t

It most certainly is......(and it rocks!!!) :wink:


How so? What makes it worth $30?!?

06-12-2004, 12:32 AM
HP released the upgrade?? sweet ill check it out. dunno about the 30 dollar price tag, but hey im young and foolish with my money, so off we go!

EDIT: Wait a sec.. Are you sure you found the WM2003SE upgrade? I couldn't find it, did you mistake the original WM2003 upgrade?

Kevin C. Tofel
06-12-2004, 02:04 AM
Does anyone knows if clear type is present in landscape mode on the Toshiba e805 running 2003 SE?

I´ll be EXTREMELY disappointed if it isn´t

It most certainly is......(and it rocks!!!) :wink:


How so? What makes it worth $30?!?

The Toshiba upgrade was made available as a free download on 5/26.....there was no cost involved.


Jason Dunn
06-12-2004, 02:23 AM
Its already out. I found the upgrade on HP's site. Price is $29.99. Question is, is it worth it?

Got an URL? I'm looking at the iPAQ 4150 accessories list and there's no software showing for 2003 SE...

06-12-2004, 04:06 AM
Does anyone knows if clear type is present in landscape mode on the Toshiba e805 running 2003 SE?

I´ll be EXTREMELY disappointed if it isn´t

It most certainly is......(and it rocks!!!) :wink:


Thank you VERY much for the information!

06-12-2004, 06:34 AM
the update from hp shouldnt cost money. that guy was probably looking at the wm2003 upgrade from 2002 devices. it would be big news if hp released it and so far nothing yet

06-12-2004, 07:24 AM
the update from hp shouldnt cost money.
But, knowing HP, it will (unless you bought a Pocket PC after WM 2K3 SE was announced).

that guy was probably looking at the wm2003 upgrade from 2002 devices. it would be big news if hp released it and so far nothing yet
That's what I'm thinking, too. He probably saw this page (http://www.hp.com/sbso/special/ppc_upgrade.html), which is pretty clearly an upgrade from Pocket PC 2002 to Windows Mobile 2003.

I'd love to be wrong, but, if HP had announced something, the news would be all over the Net by now. :-)


06-12-2004, 09:20 PM
the update from hp shouldnt cost money.
But, knowing HP, it will (unless you bought a Pocket PC after WM 2K3 SE was announced).

that guy was probably looking at the wm2003 upgrade from 2002 devices. it would be big news if hp released it and so far nothing yet
That's what I'm thinking, too. He probably saw this page (http://www.hp.com/sbso/special/ppc_upgrade.html), which is pretty clearly an upgrade from Pocket PC 2002 to Windows Mobile 2003.

I'd love to be wrong, but, if HP had announced something, the news would be all over the Net by now. :-)


Isn't it a shame? HP is the most wellknown in the Pocket PC area and should be the first to bring this upgrade to their customers. Yet it is Toshiba whom appears to do most for their customers as far as this upgrade goes. They at least made the 2003SE upgrade FREELY available for their high-end pda's.

At least I won't buy a HP PDA EVER again. (Glad I got rid of that Jornada ages ago). Lousy after sales service. In fact after the fiasco off my last PDA I'm back on the trusty Psion Series 5 MX :-I It's a brick but it just keeps on working albeit slowly.


Manu T