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View Full Version : Pocket Plus - Images?

06-11-2004, 08:05 AM
I'm pretty sure the following problem is caused by SPB's Pocket Plus 2.0, not by Agenda Fusion 5.80. But, since I upgraded both products relatively recently, I've emailed both suppliers. Meanwhile, anyone here have any advice please?

I no longer get my 'personalised' image (the one I see on my main Today screen) when I use AF in Today View. Instead, I get an image apparently called 'Spb Tech Ext'. That's the one selected in Start>Settings>Today>Appearance, and is one of the many options added to that drop-down list by Pocket Plus 2.0. (BTW, I've no idea what the name is supposed to mean, especially the 'Ext'? It's a blue, swirly thing.)

In Start>Settings>Today>Appearance I also have 'Use this picture as the background', and that's the one I want, and used to see in AF.

Anyone know how I get it back please?

Also, while on this subject, in SPB>Today Plug-in>Feature Options>Appearance, can anyone clarify what the two options mean:
"Follow original theme"
" Always Use indicators from them 'Spb Tech Ext' "

So far, I can't see any difference in behaviour, regardless of which one is selected. Maybe this is associated with my main query?

Terry, West Sussex, UK
Using iPAQ 2210 with WM2003.

06-11-2004, 01:51 PM
I don't know the answers to your questions but I am just hooking into this thread to see if anyone knows what the answer is to the last part of your question about the two different settings in SPB is. I just bought it myself and an pretty happy with it.

06-11-2004, 02:20 PM
I no longer get my 'personalised' image (the one I see on my main Today screen) when I use AF in Today View. Instead, I get an image apparently called 'Spb Tech Ext'. That's the one selected in Start>Settings>Today>Appearance, and is one of the many options added to that drop-down list by Pocket Plus 2.0. (BTW, I've no idea what the name is supposed to mean, especially the 'Ext'? It's a blue, swirly thing.)
I don't use Spb Pocket Plus, but I did try to help them rewrite one of their Web pages. That said, Spb Pocket Plus uses "Extended Themes", which is what I suspect the "Ext" stands for. It's probably letting you know that it's an Extended Theme, not a run-of-the-mill, old-school Today theme.

Also, while on this subject, in SPB>Today Plug-in>Feature Options>Appearance, can anyone clarify what the two options mean:
"Follow original theme"
" Always Use indicators from them 'Spb Tech Ext' "
Are you sure the second option said them, not theme?

Regardless, I think that option allows you to keep the indicators from the specified theme, even if you switch to a theme which has customized indicators (or, maybe, to a normal Today theme which doesn't even have indicators -- useful if you like an old theme but want the indicators).


Jeff Rutledge
06-11-2004, 02:23 PM
I don't know if I can answer your questions fully, but I can probably give you some background.

SPB includes a few of it's own themes, which are sort-of "extended" themes (which is probably what the Ext. stands for). The extended bit is that each theme contains its own icons for the notification items (power, memory, brightness, etc.). When you change between the various SPB Themes you can see the icons change. If you select the "use default" option, it won't rotate the icons to match their theme setting, it will keep them the same.

As for AF, you may want to try re-loading your personalised Theme from Today settings and see if that does the trick.

06-11-2004, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think light is beginning to dawn, slowly. I'll do as you suggest, JR, to see if I can get my image back in AF.

Terry, West Sussex, UK
Using iPAQ 2210 with WM2003.

06-13-2004, 08:28 AM
Also, while on this subject, in SPB>Today Plug-in>Feature Options>Appearance, can anyone clarify what the two options mean:
"Follow original theme"
" Always Use indicators from them 'Spb Tech Ext' "


These two options refer to the type, colour, size, and style of the SPB Pocket Plus indicator objects. (battery power indicator, back-light slider, memory, storage, etc.) -- If you choose to "follow the original theme" and scroll through the "extended themes" you will see indicators that correspond to the design of that theme. - However, if you chose "Always use indicators from theme ***" (it will give you the name of the extended theme last chosen) you can use the style of indicator from one theme as your default style to fit within your given theme. (The indicator size, style, --unlike the icons you can pick for your applications within the tabs... can't be configured, sized and changed one by one)

For example, I can use the today theme of Spb Greenwood Ext (and that "ext" means extended theme... I think) and have the indicator style from Spb default instead of the giant flower-themed indicators that come with the Greenwood theme.

Then, further, I can layer these options together to create just the look I want.... I can use the colour of the top and bottom (start bar and bottom tray) from the "extended theme" that I want (in this case Spb Blue) and the indicator style that I want (from the Spiral default) and then pick a picture I want to be displayed as the image! (A picture I painted... blue of course!) - Instead of "use this picture" I went into my image viewer and chose the file to set as desk-top image from within the image-viewer.

I don't use AF (PI is easier on the eye IMHO) so I don't know how to change the "Today view" or if it will follow the Spb themes. I still have my AF print-out for v5.0.2 and it says that you can use a background image on the AF Today view by creating a bitmap named AF.BMP and placing it in the root folder of your PPC and then restart AF. --- It says that you can use the same theme as your Pocket PC today page ONLY if you have Pocket PC 2002 as your OS.


As a sidebar... I like the new Spb Pocket Plus and it's tab-organised icons and themes MUCH better than the original and am thinking of switching from my Battery Pack Pro to this. LOVE IT :D

06-13-2004, 11:36 AM
Many thanks for that helpful reply, Starevoli.

FWIW, I'm still unsure about the new tabs. Upside is that they clearly offer better organisation, but at the price of one extra tap. In fact, I'm still not 100% sure about the icon-based launch concept! Occasionally I have to pause and try to recall a particular icon's meaning.

Sometimes I prefer using the Start Menu to access programs. At least that way I see a full description, and know that, whether or not I've customised PP, I will always be able to get at everything.

I currently have not only my most frequently used programs in the Start Menu, like Resco File Explorer, buta have also added a new folder, 'Library'. Within that I have several other subfolders, such as 'Reference'. Tapping that brings up various programs, in standard form, i.e. large icon plus name, such as eDictionary, TomeRaider, etc, plus a sub-subfolder, 'Key Files', which contains stuff like lists of authors, contacts, topical notes, etc.

Terry, West Sussex, UK
Using iPAQ 2210 with WM2003.

06-13-2004, 01:13 PM
I currently have not only my most frequently used programs in the Start Menu, like Resco File Explorer, buta have also added a new folder, 'Library'. Within that I have several other subfolders, such as 'Reference'. Tapping that brings up various programs, in standard form, i.e. large icon plus name, such as eDictionary, TomeRaider, etc, plus a sub-subfolder, 'Key Files', which contains stuff like lists of authors, contacts, topical notes, etc.]
That's what the Programs folder is for, and it's already in the Start menu.

Whenever I install a program, I move it from the Programs folder into a sub-folder (like Communications, Games, Hardware, References, Utilities, etc.) -- unless it's one that I use a lot. Now that Microsoft is really enforcing the nine-program limit in the Start menu, it's more important than ever.


06-22-2004, 05:12 PM
Any other user of both AF and Pocket Plus with any thoughts on this continuing problem please? So far no response from SPB or Developer One.

Terry, West Sussex, UK
Using iPAQ 2210 with WM2003.