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View Full Version : Pocket PC 2003 upgrade disc

06-10-2004, 10:53 AM
Anybody have there disc for sale? hell, let me 'rent' it ;)

i just bought a e755 with the 2002 edition. if all else fails i'm gunna have to toast it and send it back under warrenty.

Preferably i would like to buy the upgrade disc from somebody who doesn't need it anymore. i'd be happy to ALSO send it back once i'm done.

if not, could somebody point me in the right direction in obtaining one? Toshiba's website doesn't have it listed for sale online anymore. thanks!

06-10-2004, 01:05 PM
Anybody have there disc for sale? hell, let me 'rent' it ;)

i just bought a e755 with the 2002 edition. if all else fails i'm gunna have to toast it and send it back under warrenty.

Preferably i would like to buy the upgrade disc from somebody who doesn't need it anymore. i'd be happy to ALSO send it back once i'm done.
Of course, if somebody sells you the disc, they'll probably be required to uninstall Windows Mobile 2003, because they won't have the license any longer.

If you send it back to them, you're facillitating software piracy.

Can't you just buy an upgrade from Toshiba? If not, maybe you can find a disc on eBay.


06-10-2004, 01:20 PM
forgot about that 'last part there'. sorry for the party foul.

I'm scouring eBay. I'll have to give Toshiba a call. else i'm not gunna like using this pda :evil:

as far as pirating? by technicality the new systems started to come preloaded with the 2003 version. if toshiba decides to stop selling/shipping the upgrade. and microsoft can't distribute it? why should i be forced to run a previous version when an update is available? "free to some models".

uninstalling? it's loaded into the ROM. i know symantics... i'm determined <- (SP?) ... i had an ipaq 2215, and heard horrer stories of the 2002 edition. and the 2003 SE edition, isn't that downloadable from the german site? :?:

06-10-2004, 04:22 PM
Of course, if somebody sells you the disc, they'll probably be required to uninstall Windows Mobile 2003, because they won't have the license any longer.
Can't you just buy an upgrade from Toshiba? If not, maybe you can find a disc on eBay.

There might be someone here also that has a copy that they don't need. Either ordered the wrong cd or have a broken machine that they can no longer use the software for. This was the case for me when my machine broke, but I already got rid of the cd. Darn malicious behavior! :devilboy:

06-11-2004, 09:28 AM
as far as pirating? by technicality the new systems started to come preloaded with the 2003 version. if toshiba decides to stop selling/shipping the upgrade. and microsoft can't distribute it? why should i be forced to run a previous version when an update is available? "free to some models".
I suppose if Toshiba shipped 755s with WM 2K3, you could argue that upgrading for free wasn't really piracy, but it's questionable.

uninstalling? it's loaded into the ROM. i know symantics...
It's not just "semantics". If somebody has an upgrade CD, they were probably running Pocket PC 2002 (otherwise why get the CD?). When I've installed ROM updates, a backup of the old ROM image has been made so I could move back to the old ROM if I had problems.

If Toshiba's upgrade works the same way, the person who sold you the upgrade could certainly "uninstall" WM 2K3 and downgrade back to Pocket PC 2002.

i had an ipaq 2215, and heard horrer stories of the 2002 edition. and the 2003 SE edition, isn't that downloadable from the german site? :?:
What "horror stories" did you hear about Pocket PC 2002? I didn't think it was horrible.

As for the WM 2K3 SE being downloadable from a German site, I have no idea about that. Each company (and probably country) can determine how they distribute upgrades. Just because one company in one country decided to distribute an upgrade for free doesn't mean others have to.


06-11-2004, 09:34 AM
Of course, if somebody sells you the disc, they'll probably be required to uninstall Windows Mobile 2003, because they won't have the license any longer.

Can't you just buy an upgrade from Toshiba? If not, maybe you can find a disc on eBay.

There might be someone here also that has a copy that they don't need. Either ordered the wrong cd or have a broken machine that they can no longer use the software for. This was the case for me when my machine broke, but I already got rid of the cd.
If they bought the wrong CD, they wouldn't be using that license, and could probably sell the CD without a problem. Similarly, if their machine broke and they have no intention to get it fixed, they won't be using the license, and should be able to resell the CD.

The issue is that (usually) you can only run one copy of a piece of software for each license you have. If you sell the software to somebody else, you're really transferring the license to them, which means you can no longer run that software.

A more interesting case would be if somebody stole your upgraded Pocket PC. If you then sold the upgrade CD, would anybody be liable for the license infringement? :twisted:


06-18-2004, 03:28 PM
I have the 750 upgrade. Would that work on the 755? I dunno what the differences would be. 750 only has wi-fi....does the 755 have bluetooth?

06-19-2004, 02:15 PM
I have the 750 upgrade. Would that work on the 755? I dunno what the differences would be. 750 only has wi-fi....does the 755 have bluetooth?
As far as I know, the only difference between Toshiba's -0 and -5 models is that the -5 models include ArcSoft PhotoBase. As long as PhotoBase isn't in ROM, the 750 upgrade should work fine on the 755.

DISCLAIMER: I don't have a Toshiba Pocket PC, so this is a guess based on what I know of the two models. Try the upgrade at your own risk. :-)


06-22-2004, 12:44 AM
I am also stuck in PPC2002 I called Toshiba about finding an upgrade and as usual they were unhelpful.

They said the update was removed because the PPC 2003se was going to be released soon, but he had no idea when or if it was going to be avaleble for the 755 or if the 2003 upgade would be back on the site.

If it was free why cant it be distributed?

06-22-2004, 02:50 PM
Toshiba just called me back and said that PPC 2003se would be comeing out for the e755 (and all other models) by the second week of July...

Unfortunatly I will be traveling overseas for two months and will not have access to a pc, but since the update was free and is not pda-spesific could someone please send me the PPC2003 update?

07-04-2004, 05:40 PM
Its pretty weird that Toshiba aren't providing any upgrades at all for E755/5 the instructions are still on the site to download, just no software.
Makes no sense to me - if you're going to replace the upgrade with a better one, you normally wait to put the new one up before you take the old one down.

Completely sucky product support if you ask me. Seems like I can't get an upgrade even if I offer to pay for it.

Anyone got any ideas? A disk? Nothing seems visible on Ebay.


08-19-2004, 09:32 PM
It's not just "semantics". If somebody has an upgrade CD, they were probably running Pocket PC 2002 (otherwise why get the CD?). When I've installed ROM updates, a backup of the old ROM image has been made so I could move back to the old ROM if I had problems.

If Toshiba's upgrade works the same way, the person who sold you the upgrade could certainly "uninstall" WM 2K3 and downgrade back to Pocket PC 2002.

Unfortunately for me and everyone else with an e755, the update CD did not include a utility for backing up the old ROM and once you installed the new OS and found out it wasn't really any better than the old one (and, in fact, the old one was able to run some apps the new one can't!) you were stuck with a device you didn't really like all that much any more!

Not only did Toshiba/Microsoft make me pay for an update (when updates to Windows products are always free - WM2003 really is more of an update than a new OS so it should have been free) but Toshiba did not give their customers a way to revert back to the old image!

Since there is no way to revert back to the old image, we are locked into using the new software and thus I can't imagine the end user being liable for any kind of license issues.

Regardless, the update was not worth it so my suggestion is to stop looking for it and don't worry about it.


08-19-2004, 09:46 PM
(when updates to Windows products are always free - WM2003 really is more of an update than a new OS so it should have been free)

Windows Mobile is not the same class of operating system as Windows 98/XP/etc. Upgrades almost always cost money. Windows 98 SE was an upgrade. Windows 98 SE cost money. Pocket PC 2002--> Windows Mobile 2003 was most definitely an upgrade. Updates should be free, but not necessarily upgrades.

Since there is no way to revert back to the old image, we are locked into using the new software and thus I can't imagine the end user being liable for any kind of license issues.
Just because you do something without permission, don't like it, and can't change it back, that doesn't mean that it's okay to have done that in the first place.

08-20-2004, 08:43 PM
Just because you do something without permission, don't like it, and can't change it back, that doesn't mean that it's okay to have done that in the first place.

I am not sure what you mean by "Just because you do something without permission..." I paid $16 for the so-called upgrade to WM2003 and, while it was supposed to be "better", the end result was that my $500 PDA was not as good as it was before. Toshiba, in their infinite wisdom did not give me a means to back out of the changes. Still, the update process was handled by their process - buy the CD, update the device. Definitely done with their permission.

Granted I performed the update willingly but it also cost me about $40 in now-unusable software. For that $40 I would gladly sell the update CD to whatever unsuspecting schmo came along and it's up to Toshiba and Microsoft to tell me how to revert my PDA back to a 2002 state if they are worried about infringing upon their license.

After all, I can certainly pay the $15 (or whatever it was) for Windows 98SE but after it's installed and it breaks my existing software, I can certainly uninstall it and go back to Windows 98. Even motherboard BIOSes can be reflashed to a previous version without issue so there's no reason for PDA vendors and Microsoft to deny me that ability and then imprison me for tossing the CD over to someone else.

Regardless, this is an old argument discussed over and over and I don't wish to get into it here. Suffice it to say if the original poster wants the now unavailable "upgrade" CD and someone wants to give it to him I say go right ahead. Might as well have someone else's PDA work as poorly as mine.
