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View Full Version : Problems getting online using BT

06-09-2004, 02:46 AM
Hi, Im sorry if this sounds like a newbie question of sorts but I havent really made this work yet.

My problem is this, I have a ipaq h5455 pocket pc running WM 2003, and im trying to get online using BT on my motorola v600, it does the rest like a charm, whenever its transfering mp3 sounds or phonebook entries i dont have any problems at all, however when I go to dial my intener service which i programed into it, it starts dialing and after 2 seconds it just drops and gives me the following error message on the pocket pc:

No modem at above number.

I would like to know if this is an ISP issue or if I need to activate something on the cell company to make it work, if anyone would be kind enough to help me with this problem, thanks in advance.