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View Full Version : help: SD cards on the iPAQ 3850 not being recognized

06-06-2004, 04:20 AM
i have an iPAQ 3850 patched with all those available from hp... and i seem to have a problem concerning the use of SD cards...

to explain...

whenever i format SD card through the desktop (as FAT), then when i put it into the iPAQ... iPAQ gives a message that it doesnt seem to be formatted, would you want to format it? if i dont format it, i wont be able to read the card's contents

the same goes for my cellphone that uses SD card - when i format the card using my cellphone, it wont be recognize by the iPAQ

also the same for SD cards formatted in gf's zaurus...

etc. etc...

which essentially means that if i dont format the SD card in my iPAQ first, then it is basically useless...

problem: how do i then be able to share info from other ppl? i could i use cards from others? also, im afraid that if i try to read the card on my iAPQ, i might destroy the data

please help

:cry: :cry: :( :(