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View Full Version : Asus MyPal A716 Thoughts

06-06-2004, 02:14 AM
I am considering the Asus MyPal A716. But before I buy it I am going to wait until July when Dell is 'supposedly' going to release their VGA model. If this model proves to be a rumor or it doesn't come with a CF Slot, I will buy an Asus MyPal A716. But what are the thoughts from the owners of the A716? Thanks! :D

06-06-2004, 02:26 AM
Why not wait and get an Asus A730 that will have VGA, 128MB and CF/SD?

06-06-2004, 02:57 AM
Why not wait and get an Asus A730 that will have VGA, 128MB and CF/SD?

Well the one on preorder at proportable only has BT, I need to have 802.11b integrated! Plus I don't think i'm willing to pay $500. $400 is the max for me, because with my luck I always lose my PPC! :roll:

Kati Compton
06-06-2004, 03:49 AM
I think I heard that the 730 is going to be Bluetooth-only *at first*, but will come with WiFi later...

That may be my next PPC (once it has WiFi)...

06-06-2004, 04:01 AM
I think I heard that the 730 is going to be Bluetooth-only *at first*, but will come with WiFi later...

That may be my next PPC (once it has WiFi)...

That would be good, but they better not raise the price of $500, because that is my limit.

Kati Compton
06-06-2004, 04:40 AM
I think I heard that the 730 is going to be Bluetooth-only *at first*, but will come with WiFi later...

That may be my next PPC (once it has WiFi)...

That would be good, but they better not raise the price of $500, because that is my limit.
Hmm. I *might* go higher, but it'd be a stretch. And since I'll have to wait until the WiFi version is available, there might be other options out that are just as interesting (to me)... I'll do a lot of comparison shopping if it's above $500. Well, I may anyway. ;)

06-06-2004, 04:28 PM
Anyone else have any comments on the Asus MyPal A716?

06-07-2004, 02:30 AM
After using my A716 for about a month-and-a-half, the only maybe negatives I'd say are (1) its size and (2) a lack of available accessories compared to other PDAs like the ipaqs.

I, personally, don't mind the size. But, it is big compared to many others. I use and like the included belt case as it's not too bulky carrying it sideways. Coming from an e-125, the A716 is small. Compared to a 4150, it's huge. Plus, the A716 has I think a 1500 mah battery, and it does run for a long time even in turbo mode.

Also, there are the accessories. Asus sells extended batteries, sync cables, etc. and it's easy enough to get screen protectors from ppc techs. But, for example, I can't find any cellular cables (I still have Verizon -- my next phone will be bluetooth and I can forget about the cable). The point is that you might want to consider what accessories you'll want before you make the purchase.

Other than that, I absolutely love the A716. It is very fast, the wi-fi works great, no problems here at all. I don't know how it stacks up against the new Dells, but the Asus gets a thumbs up from me.

I considered the Dell X3, but bought the Asus instead. This was because Asus announced an upgrade to WM2003 SE, and Dell did not.

As mentioned above, the A730 will indeed be an initial bluetooth release, wtih a wi-fi and bluetooth model in a few months. I think the indications are that the price point will be over $500 for the dual wireless.

06-08-2004, 02:08 AM
Matt, thanks for your input!
I think all the accessories I need they provide so that part is good.

Plus I heard about how fast it was, one of the fastest (but probably not anymore, now that Dell has a 624mhz Model). And how the sound was really good too.

The thing I think I like the most is that Asus is going to provide an upgrade for the SE.

Size doesn't bother me. My previous PPC was the Axim X5, and that was pretty big, but I liked the so called 'bulk'. The 2 PPCs are basically the same size too (except the height, but that is because they added the antenna in with the height of the Asus). Following are the 2 dimentions:
Axim X5: 5.04" 3.21" 0.71" 6.9 oz
Asus MyPal A716 5.3" 3.0" 0.7" 6.9 oz

06-08-2004, 08:24 PM
Actually, to me, it seems that the Asus is a good deal smaller than the Axim. Thinner, anyway. Although, with the extended battery, it is close to the same size.

06-09-2004, 12:01 AM
I don't think I need the extended battery, It has one of the best battery lives anyway, with 1500mAH and the "Asus Smart Power Saving System"

But the more and more I look at the A730, the more I want it. I don't want the one with just bluetooth, I want the one with WiFi + BT. When do you think that model will come out?

06-09-2004, 02:21 AM
That's the one I am waiting on. I heard that it will be September.

06-09-2004, 04:30 AM
I heard August for the WiFi Model, look at the fine print in this pic:


I don't know though, I don't want to spend $500 + on a PPC. I really don't need the camera. :roll: I guess I'll just buy an Asus MyPal A716.

08-20-2004, 02:37 AM
SWKS means the middle of nowhere...we have a few wireless phone providers out here, but no one that does anything with pocket pc. Rumors of Sprint someday...(pretty sad, but my only hope out here is that someday maybe Sprint will come to town and it would be glorious to have T-Mobile.(you can ROAM with T-Mobile, like Todd (thanks, hunny).) ) We (at the office) did a little looking around and got some killer deals on some Theras from Audiovox for about 140.(a LOT cheaper today)...I called alltel (CDMA) and said I wanted to switch my number, a few well placed zeros later, we were using the first pocket pc phone in town...I want to give up on Alltel and switch to a little bitty PCS company we have out here, they absolutley NO territority, except practically just town...but they use GSM 1900...a little looking brings us to the CF GSM phone card from one of several manufacturers...400 bucks for an Asus, 250 for the card = 650 buck Pocket PC phone...WITH wifi, BT, SD, and a decent speed PDA with a supposedly lengthy battery cycle...very helpful...(I'm using an Ipaq 5450 with a PC Card sleeve and an Aircard 555 right now ) It absolutley SUCKS the battery down. Three hours tops, when left on...if I turn it off, the phone won't answer...most of the phone edition units are missing something...wifi, or BT, CF, or something...I REFUSE to carry anymore crap...wifi get's me email in the meetings..BT syncs up without the dang cradle...CF gets me my phone card (it'll still REQUIRE a headset though...)...if I didn't need it all now, I could wait, but what the heck are you going to do with a VGA pocket PC...for Pete's sake, take the tablet....
I've used most of my pocket PCs with a hack to change the screen...it get's very hard to see text so small....it IS sort of helpful when using VNC to remotely wreask havok on your servers while your sittin in the closet. :)

I hope the bad support issues are just the rare exceptions. (fingers crossed)
