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View Full Version : Time to replace my PPC

Oregon Trail
06-05-2004, 04:33 PM
:( OK Everyone, my PPC is slowly dying and it is time to replace it. I have been very happy with my Casio E-125. I have used it for nearly four years, a very long time for a device such as this. It has been sturdy, reliable and very flexible for a variety of uses. I have especially enjoyed the size of the screen and the depth of colors. Battery life has been good. A nice feature is the replaceable battery. The sound on it has been very good. I like being able to record on it. Compact Flash was OK, but I like the possibility of going with a smaller medium. I enjoyed the character recognition and its ease of note taking. The weight of the PPC has been the only real drawback. It takes up a lot of space in my pocket. I believe it weighs 9 ounces. Some current models are 1/2 that. I am looking for your advice about which device to purchase to replace it. If Casio were still in the PPC business, I would probably buy another. Since they aren't, I'm considering all of the available PPC's. What are your suggestions? I don't need wireless but am open to it. I use it for calendaring, contacts, news, ebooks, a few simple games, notes, alarm clock, spreadsheets and some minor word processing. I don't really use it for music. I found it to be difficult to use the PPC in this manner. What should I buy? :?

06-05-2004, 04:40 PM
hp 2215 or asus a620bt... search http://pricegrabber.com for the best prices on those

06-05-2004, 04:45 PM
I love my Toshiba E755. I want an E800, becuase of the 480x640 screen and wireless.

You might not be so keen on W-Fi but I have found the ability to surf the internet and check email is invaluable to me in my travelling lifestyle. With the larger screen of the 800 surfing the web would be a much more pleasant experience.

Be sure and look for Pocket IE Plus if you plan to use your pda for surfing ... you get full-screen viewing and it can force pages to reflow to fit on your screen.


Oregon Trail
06-05-2004, 04:58 PM
ARNAGE2 - What do you like about those models? SteveHoward999 - I have heard good things about the Toshibas. Is it reliable?

Oregon Trail
06-05-2004, 05:08 PM
Another question; How do i switch over all my contacts calendar note etc?

06-05-2004, 05:13 PM
Dell is selling their PPC's at a very attractive price. I own an Asus A600, and my problem with the Asus line is their lack of customer support. If you don't mind refurbished units, check the following link:

Jon Westfall
06-05-2004, 06:22 PM
Another question; How do i switch over all my contacts calendar note etc?

Should just sync up through active sync to the new device after creating a new partnership.

06-06-2004, 11:02 AM
oregon, it seems that functionality and ease of use is more important for you and i assume that you are not a fan of speed and you are not dying for strong multimedia features.
most of the devices are far better than your old buddy for sure. but i recommend you the new dell axim x300 300mHz version because
-it has the latest OS which has some cool improvements (landscape option)
-dual wireless
-small size,good screen,good batterylife
-decent price.

milkman dan
06-06-2004, 09:23 PM
I whent from an e-100 to an ipaq3670, to my latest toy being the 2215, and sofar the only complaints whatsoever about this device is the small buttons, and the undersized battery. When I am not playing games though, the batterylife is pretty good. PPC2003 is damn nice :D

Kacey Green
06-07-2004, 12:52 AM
It took me 4 hours to kill Rex to the point of shutting down in powersave mode. (I was sick in bed) I was playing looping MPEGs, Music in WMP, and bust'em two or Kevetris, I think this bad boy has a great standard battery. Oh and the screen was on full brightness and volume all the way up (the noises didn't sound good this pda can't handle all of that load and the graphics were slow)

Oregon Trail
06-09-2004, 01:23 PM
Thanks to all of you for your input. I have narrowed it down to either a Dell X30i or a Toshiba E 805. I like the thought of landscape mode in spreadsheets with the Dell, Plus it uses the very latest in OS. I like the functionality of increased space with the Toshiba. I am curious about the difference between Bluetooth and WiFi.

06-12-2004, 07:15 AM
Bluetooth and WiFi are two different beasts that will drain your battery, but not as bad as the screen brightness. Bluetooth is good for communication between mobile phones and printers, for example. If you need internet access you could use your bluetooth enabled mobile phone as your "modem" to dial out.

WiFi is another way to get access to the net and your email but you'll need to find hotspots in your area. Hotspots are like coffee shops that give away free wireless internet access. With WiFi enabled in your pocketpc, you could use Internet Explorer to surf the web and get email.

Hope that helps you.

06-12-2004, 05:54 PM
Bluetooth and WiFi are two different beasts that will drain your battery this is true for wifi but not BT.
you cant compare these two, if wifi is a monster truck, BT is only an average sports car.
i get 4+ hours of runtime with full screen brightness but only 2+ hours when wifi is operating. i didnt do tests about the power effect of BT because i dont get a significant power drain when using BT