06-05-2004, 12:52 PM
Hey all. This could be in the Buy & Sell forum, but I'm not really selling it yet - just trying to decide if I should sell.
Well anyway, I'm prolly goona get a new iPaq when they come out (really like the 4700), and seeing that I'm a student, with no real job yet, money's a little hard to get. So I am either gonna "sell" my iPaq to my mom, for whatever she and I deem reasonable (did this with my old 3650, and yeah, she uses it a little, but hmm...maybe once per week for anything useful? if that), or, I may sell it on eBay (never done that before - account is registered through my mom btw).
Here's what I would be selling:
Compaq/HP iPaq H3870 [specs (http://h50025.www5.hp.com/hpcom/ph_en/11_26_60_254_230398-031.html)]
PC Card Pack Plus [Unofficial specs (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/11380_div/11380_div.HTML)] [pic (http://img.shopping.com/cctool/PrdImg/images/pr/177X150/00/01/42/48/44/21121092.JPG)]
WL110 WiFi PC Card [Compaq QuickSpecs (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/10796_ca/10796_ca.html)] [pics (http://www.compaq.ca/english/business/mobile/wireless/wl110.asp)]
The iPaq is two years old (if I can remember correctly), and the other two items are about one year old. Obviously the warrenty has expired. The iPaq screen has two or three very small scratches, about a pixel in size, not even noticable in daily use.
So...that's basically it. Is it worth selling on eBay? How much do you think it would go for? Thanks. :mrgreen:
Well anyway, I'm prolly goona get a new iPaq when they come out (really like the 4700), and seeing that I'm a student, with no real job yet, money's a little hard to get. So I am either gonna "sell" my iPaq to my mom, for whatever she and I deem reasonable (did this with my old 3650, and yeah, she uses it a little, but hmm...maybe once per week for anything useful? if that), or, I may sell it on eBay (never done that before - account is registered through my mom btw).
Here's what I would be selling:
Compaq/HP iPaq H3870 [specs (http://h50025.www5.hp.com/hpcom/ph_en/11_26_60_254_230398-031.html)]
PC Card Pack Plus [Unofficial specs (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/11380_div/11380_div.HTML)] [pic (http://img.shopping.com/cctool/PrdImg/images/pr/177X150/00/01/42/48/44/21121092.JPG)]
WL110 WiFi PC Card [Compaq QuickSpecs (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/10796_ca/10796_ca.html)] [pics (http://www.compaq.ca/english/business/mobile/wireless/wl110.asp)]
The iPaq is two years old (if I can remember correctly), and the other two items are about one year old. Obviously the warrenty has expired. The iPaq screen has two or three very small scratches, about a pixel in size, not even noticable in daily use.
So...that's basically it. Is it worth selling on eBay? How much do you think it would go for? Thanks. :mrgreen: