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View Full Version : iPaq 1940 Bluetooth Range

06-04-2004, 03:01 AM
Just wondering what is the maximum range I could expect from the 1940 with a 100m Bluetooth dongle? I am setting up the computer system for a small business and would prefer if they didn't have to buy a new computer, so my solution is to simply use the iPaq for most of the business they would need to do (not too much!).

However internet access is important and here in Australia mobile data rates are simply insane. So my solution is because there business is so close to their house (ie. across the road :)) I would like to just put a bluetooth dongle on the host computer and have the iPaq access the internet through that. But I am quite confident that things are not going to be this simple, between the host computer and the most likely position where the iPaq would be used are three brick walls, the distance is approximately 30-40m.

So basically, is this feasible?

Kati Compton
06-04-2004, 03:40 AM
It's not just the strength of the dongle, it's also depends on the class of Bluetooth on the ipaq. I looked real quick at HP's site, and they didn't say even under the "specs" tab. But if the ipaq is rated at only 10m, then that's the limit of the connection even with a 100m dongle. I'm sure someone else that actually has a 194x series can tell you what class of Bluetooth it actually has, or you may want to try searching in this forum (I don't have time right now or I'd do it and give you a link).

06-04-2004, 04:16 AM
I was never able to get more than 10m out of my Hp2100... however there are those that claim to be able to recieve a signal all over the house... mulitple floors... But then the walls in my place are fairly dense... so maybe that is part of the problem.

Darius Wey
06-04-2004, 04:28 AM
I think all I can get from my 1940 is 10m. I have a 100m dongle connected to my computer, but all I can get is about 10m. It's also affected on a number of factors including wireless interference from other devices, walls and solid objects, even location of the dongle! I found when I connected my dongle to the back of my computer, my range was limited a great deal due to the amount of "stuff" (case, wall, shelf, cables, etc.) surrounding my dongle, but once I connected it to my USB hub on my monitor, my range increased a great deal.

The shorter range of the two devices is always the one that defines the range you will get, regardless of how far the other one can send a signal.

Kacey Green
06-04-2004, 05:16 AM
Maybe my BT in Rex is more powerful than spec, but I can get a signal in all but one room (the one where the signal has to go through the HVAC unit and 2 extra wall to get in the room) I know thats more than ~30ft so if someone has the ability to do at BT range test that would be most helpful.

Edit, My PC Does have a 100m BT radio

06-04-2004, 08:25 AM
Thanks guys. I'll buy a dongle and see how it goes, but yeah I'm not too hopeful. I guess the next best thing will be an absolute baseline PC, no doubt my clients will be more happy typing on a keyboard :D

Darren Behan
06-04-2004, 10:40 AM
You have a better chance with an sd wifi card than bluetooth. You wont even get to the front door, let alone across the street with BT in the 1940. I can't even get to the door in the same room with mine.


Kacey Green
06-04-2004, 04:17 PM
SD wifi cards cost more than the BT dongles, and if they don't have an access point then that's another cost