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05-28-2004, 01:22 PM
Is there anyplace where I can get some cool backgrounds for my PPC?

Steven Cedrone
05-28-2004, 01:28 PM
Is there anyplace where I can get some cool backgrounds for my PPC?

Pocket Themes (http://www.pocketthemes.com)
Pocket PC Themes (http://www.pocketpcthemes.com)
Web McDeb (http://www.mcdeb.com/)


05-28-2004, 02:08 PM
Is there anyplace where I can get some cool backgrounds for my PPC?
Pocket Themes (http://www.pocketthemes.com)
Pocket PC Themes (http://www.pocketpcthemes.com)
Web McDeb (http://www.mcdeb.com/)

Besides those that Steve listed, the Content section (http://links.svpocketpc.com#LINKS_CONTENT) of my Web site has five others:

Angelic Themes (http://www.angelicthemes.co.uk) -- Today themes
Jumping Cholla Themes (http://www.jumpingcholla.com/jce_pocketthemes.htm) -- Today themes
Juni's Pocket PC Skinz (http://www.kolumbus.fi/anders.ruohio/skinz.html) -- Today themes, Media Player and Dashboard skins
PocketRocketFX (http://www.pocketrocketfx.com/) -- Today themes
WinCustomize (http://www.wincustomize.com) -- Dashboard and PocketBlinds skins

Just bookmark my site and check there. :-)

And, of course, using :google: on "Pocket PC" themes will turn up many more.
