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View Full Version : More Stuff For Your Today Screen: StocksAndWeatherToday

Brad Adrian
05-26-2004, 09:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=43149' target='_blank'>http://www.handango.com/brainstore/...productId=43149</a><br /><br /></div>During the past few weeks, we've posted about various Today screen add-ins that display things like weather forecasts and stock information. Well, not to be outdone, Dave at <a href="www.stocksandweathertoday.com">www.stocksandweathertoday.com</a> has offered to give away twelve free copies of his StocksAndWeatherToday application to Pocket PC Thoughts readers.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/adrian/stocksandweather.gif" /> <br />StocksAndWeatherToday lets you view weather for up to 6 cities and monitor up to 60 stocks. It also works seemlessly with ActiveSync and wireless (e.g., 802.11 and GPRS) networks.<br /><br />Some of the many features are:<br /><br />• Automatically displays the current weather for up to 6 cities<br />• Display the local time for each city<br />• Obtains forecast for the next week<br />• Automatic alerts for hazardous weather<br />• New, nicer-looking weather icons<br />• View all stocks you are tracking with double-tap<br />• View NOAA web site directly for very detailed forecasts<br />• View detailed quote information with a simple tap<br />• Links directly to yahoo.com for charts and current information regarding stocks<br />• Up to 60 alerts based on how a stock is performing<br />• Show both stocks and weather simultaneously or one at a time<br /><br />There is actually a MUCH longer list of features at the StocksAndWeatherToday Web site.<br /><br />You can grab a demo version for FREE or buy the full version for $19.95 at <a href="http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=43149">Handango</a>. <br /><br />Now, if you'd like to try to enter our random giveaway of twelve free copies of StocksAndWeatherToday, here's what Dave has in mind:<br /><br />All you have to do is post a response to this thread. In your response, though, you must describe at least one of the five animated GIFs on the StocksAndWeatherToday home page.<br /><br />Of course, as with many good things in life, there are a few strings attached:<br /><br />• You may enter only once.<br />• <b>UPDATED:</b> You must enter before 1:00am EST June 3, 2004.<br />• You may not question the selection of the winners.<br />• You may not whine.<br />• You STILL may not make fun of Brad's eVEST

05-26-2004, 09:15 AM
hmm...one of the GIFs is an animated tornado......is that a good enuff description??? :) moving tornado with the occasional lightning??

05-26-2004, 10:20 AM
The first (leftmost) animated GIF is something that I usually see when it's winter in the northern hemisphere, namely snow
The second is something unpredictable, expect during late summer (where I live): thunderstroms!
The third image is something I've never seen in real life, although it does occur here in Finland -- like last summer when one was about 300 meters from my house! 8O That was something F0 scaled tornado, I think. ;)
The second last image, is something that we have plenty of in the winter: dark nights... :)
The last image is a normal sight here, clouds whooshing by the sun, since I happen to live in the sunniest town in Finland! :lol:

05-26-2004, 10:28 AM
I see a bright shining sun and clouds quickly passing by in order not to interrupt my sunbath :D

Brad, why are we not allowed to make fun of your eVEST? Is that something an eVEST-User must live with, that people make fun of him? (I've just ordered two, I hope this was the right decision... :D )

05-26-2004, 11:32 AM
This is funny, I just discovered this extraordinary little application this weekend and have been enjoying it to no end and even sent a few little suggestions :idea: to the developers. I would be honored to win this program since it's so useful and I've already advertised it to all my Pocket PC-owning friends and convinced them it's well worth purchasing. Plus I was disappointed to have missed the promotion back in April! :(

My favorite of the icons on the Stocks and Weather Today site is the crescent moon with the cloud and the twinkling stars. (Do stars only twinkle in the English version of the song "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman"?)

Best to everyone and thanks to Dave and the Stocks and Weather Today team.

Cheers :lol:

AEF in Vienna, Austria

P.S. I'm a longtime PPC Thoughts reader who just had to rejoin since my password got locked up in a dead email account. Is there any way to correct this?

05-26-2004, 11:59 AM
Oh , fourth icon is a cresent moon with clouds passing by

And I really need to win this. I use a motorcycle for transportation and it's essential that I know weather conditions so as to avoid riding into thunderstorms. This application could save my life ...... :D

2002 BMW R1150RA

05-26-2004, 01:02 PM
There is a nice little animated icon that shows something that we have just gotten away from....snow falling from the clouds, ARGH!! Has there not been enough of that for one season!


05-26-2004, 01:05 PM
The fifith icon shows clouds passing by the sun...

Hope StocksAndWeatherToday can show correct data for São Paulo, Brazil (JournalBar has never made this available).

05-26-2004, 01:07 PM
Dog. I bought it a few weeks back.

05-26-2004, 01:16 PM
It's snowing on the first icon.

05-26-2004, 01:42 PM
I'm partial to the tornado GIF. I like the way it comes down and moves back and forth with the lightning effect.

05-26-2004, 02:08 PM
I have this software -- it's pretty cool!!

Good thing I already have it too, since I can't abide by the "strings attached" to this giveaway... specifically this one!!

"You STILL may not make fun of Brad's eVEST"


05-26-2004, 02:10 PM
The first icon is a cloud with snow falling from it.

05-26-2004, 02:23 PM
The second gif is a thunderstorm, something we need right now because it is so dry in central NC.

My son would get a kick out of the animated weather gifs as he is studying meteorology at NC State (go Pack!).

This is a nice looking application.

05-26-2004, 02:26 PM
There's a gif of rain & lightning coming from a cloud. And I would never dream of making fun of Brad's eVEST.

05-26-2004, 02:29 PM
While I would dearly love to tell you what the themes are, I have downloaded and installed this sucker every which way and can't get the themes to work. I've downloaded the trial and the free themes separately (that one locks up when I tell it to install the themes to the storage card); I've downloaded the version which includes the free themes (that one told me it installed the themes, but I can't find them anywhere).

It might be a nice program, but so far it's been more trouble than it's worth to try to install. (I have a Siemens SX56 with SD card.)

05-26-2004, 02:37 PM
Finally figured it out....have a beautiful beach with a very bright looks to be sunrise, a sunflower, another sunflower....don't see anything animated, though.

I think this program hates me. :oops:

05-26-2004, 02:57 PM
1.) Snow? 2.) Rain and Thunder 3.)Tornado?!?! 4.)Partly Couldy Night 5.)Partly Cloudy but sunny.

Kevin Jackson
05-26-2004, 03:21 PM
Living in tornado alley as I do, I immediately recognized the swirling cloud of death in the third icon. :lol:

This looks like a great little app.

05-26-2004, 03:39 PM
Also living in Tornado Alley, have never actually seen the swirling tornado icon on my machine, yet. Came close to seeing it the other night, though.

I wouldn't mind winning the app. for my wife's iPAQ, already have it on mine.

Perry Reed
05-26-2004, 04:05 PM
I assume you mean the little weather icons. I like the middle one best, with the twister touching down.

05-26-2004, 04:09 PM
Finally figured it out....have a beautiful beach with a very bright looks to be sunrise, a sunflower, another sunflower....don't see anything animated, though.

I think this program hates me. :oops:

The themes are not animated but the current weather icon should be.

If the icon is not animated then check the following options:

1. Go to the dialog where you enter cities and make sure animated icons is selected.
2. Go to options page and make sure 'current & forecast' or 'current' is one of the options for weather mode.

If you are still having problems, please send an email to [email protected] as that will be the most efficient way to communicate.

05-26-2004, 04:15 PM
I see a bright happy sun with a huge smile, but the eyes are covered by passing clouds.....looks like we have a great day to sunburn and not realize it until later!

05-26-2004, 04:29 PM
I see a crescent moon, stars and passing clouds, which is more than I usually see at night because I go to bed early :wink:

Steven Cedrone
05-26-2004, 04:41 PM
Finally figured it out....have a beautiful beach with a very bright looks to be sunrise, a sunflower, another sunflower....don't see anything animated, though.

I think this program hates me. :oops:

If you are just trying to enter the contest, you need to go to the Stocks And Weather Today (www.stocksandweathertoday.com) website and describe one of the animated icons. Take another look at Brads post!


05-26-2004, 04:56 PM
Tornado baby...of which we have had quite a few in the last couple weeks...oh and a lot of flooding...darn Midwest can't wait to pack up and move the wagon train West!!!

05-26-2004, 05:02 PM
I'll describe the one that has the sun with a cloud moving across it.

Paul Martin
05-26-2004, 05:21 PM
Personally, I think the animated tornado is the most entertaining....and the one I would least like to see in a real forcast!!! 8O

05-26-2004, 05:24 PM
A cloud with rain and lightning.

05-26-2004, 05:37 PM
I see partly cloudy in the areas I monitor. I really love it.

I really like this product and have been trying to find something for the today screen that shows this. Thank you so much. Great work.

05-26-2004, 06:31 PM
i see a UFO in right most gif.

05-26-2004, 06:49 PM
I see a lightning hitting a tree
I see the sun shining in a forest full of snow
I see a person walking in a street full of snow

05-26-2004, 10:15 PM
Count me in on the contest!

Ryan Joseph
05-27-2004, 01:13 AM
The cloud brewed in the dark night sky. Swirls and eddies of wind flowed in and out among its vast bulk, constantly changing its shape. The cloud grew ever larger, an ominous presence above the tranquil landscape.

As the cloud increased in size and darkness, the wind carried tiny particles of dust into its center. These swirled around in the dark mass, further agitating the mean looking cloud.

The cloud was getting too heavy.

Suddenly, microscopic tendrils of water vapor reached out and grabbed hold of one of the slower moving dust particles. The vapor condensed, forming a geometrically perfect sphere around the minute fleck of dust. The sphere grew as more and more water vapor was attracted to the formation. It grew until the cloud could no longer hold it up.

With a slight shudder, it broke away from the water tendrils still grasping it and began a tumbling freefall to the earth below. The wind cushioned the drop as it fell, creating a perfectly flat surface on the bottom of the drop. It also caused the drop to break up into several smaller drops.

The tendrils, meanwhile, instantly began forming another drop. Then another, then another. Other tendrils throughout the cloud began to follow suit and before long, hundreds of thousands of tiny drops were being formed.

Far, far below, the ground had yet to feel the drops speeding toward it. It was too busy to even notice the cloud. Electrical charges, in response to the highly charged cloud above, were making their way to the tallest trees. The uppermost leaves and branches began to quiver internally with the high static charge being funneled into them.

The cloud noticed.

It heaved itself up in anger at the ground for accumulating an opposite charge to its own. It reached down and threw a staggering bolt of lightening down toward the ground.

The bolt seared through the air, instantly vaporizing the falling water drops it passed through. The bolt cracked several feet above the ground, causing no damage.

Seconds later, the fall of rain hit the ground.

The entire land was instantly soaked by the deluge from on high.

The rain continued to fall…and continued and continued and continued. Seemingly for eternity. And the lightening continued to strike…at a rate of about 3 strikes per second. There was no way to make it stop! It just kept coming! The ground couldn’t take much more. There would have been a flood of Biblical proportions, but the world was saved at the last minute…the user disabled the animated weather icons.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

05-27-2004, 02:09 AM
One of the pictures is a spinning tornado with a lightning bolt comming out of it.

05-27-2004, 06:26 AM
The fifth image is a yellow sun who's circumference fills the entire image, with a cloud (dark gray on the bottom) passing quickly in front of the sun moving from left to right.

Hope I win (haven't won a PDA contest yet). :wink:

05-27-2004, 02:42 PM
AnimationLightning.gif: shows steady snow from a cloudy sky

AnimationsDayWind.gif: shows winds blowing clouds across the sun

(actually, there are six animated gifs on the stocksandweathertoday homepage. Bonus bonus: themes0011.gif cycles through various screen shots.)

Brad Adrian
05-27-2004, 04:25 PM
Brad, why are we not allowed to make fun of your eVEST? Is that something an eVEST-User must live with, that people make fun of him? (I've just ordered two, I hope this was the right decision... :D )
Yes, it's a burden that we trend-setters have always had to deal with. Once your *true* friends see how spiffy you look in your eVEST, though, they'll treat you with a great deal more respect (at least that's how it was for me....).

Brad Adrian
05-27-2004, 04:28 PM
The cloud brewed in the dark night sky...
Whoa, dood. Extra points for imagry.

05-28-2004, 10:24 AM
Once your *true* friends see how spiffy you look in your eVEST, though, they'll treat you with a great deal more respect (at least that's how it was for me....).
Oh good, so there's hope... :D :D

05-28-2004, 11:40 AM
I'm having a deja vu all over again. Just when I finish designing a set of icons for a weatherprogram it is given away at PPCT :D. So, hopefully the program will have new, spiffier icons when the winners get their copies. :)

My comments on the icons at the stocksweather page: Hopefully they are updated soon. :lol:

05-28-2004, 03:22 PM
Okay....since I'm not sure I'm actually entered because I read the instructions wrong (BAD Sharyn!), this is my "official" entry.

I like the tornado....only in pictures, mind you. :D

05-28-2004, 03:47 PM
I've got a sun with a cloud bouncing on it like a trampoline.

This is really cool and even useful, I want it!

Perry Reed
05-28-2004, 04:42 PM
I installed the demo version, but on DAY TWO it started harrassing me via a pop-up message every couple of minutes that it was about to expire and then at the end of that day it did expire. Very lousy!!

In my opinion, trial versions ought to last for at least 14 days and 30 days would be better. A two day trial is pretty worthless!

05-29-2004, 07:10 AM
I see a Sun with clouds wizzing by.

Must be a new Air Force Camo Jet. :)

06-01-2004, 02:36 PM
The first icon represents Hawaii around 6am everymorning. Rain to feed the tropics and the Gecko's.
The second icon goes with the third, It describes where I was raised in Kansas, Thunderstorms and Twisters.
The fourht icon is what was happening when I got my girlfriend pregnant.
The last Icon represents the lush beaches of Hawaii!! Plenty of sun and fun!

06-02-2004, 05:45 PM
I'm having a deja vu all over again. Just when I finish designing a set of icons for a weatherprogram it is given away at PPCT :D. So, hopefully the program will have new, spiffier icons when the winners get their copies. :)

My comments on the icons at the stocksweather page: Hopefully they are updated soon. :lol:

So ya want some spiffier icons??? :mrgreen:

Go to http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?productId=122577 for more information. These are free to all registered users of S & W T.

06-14-2004, 03:55 PM
I'm having a problem installing the Themes file to my SD card. After setup gives me the option of where to install them, and I click on the external storage card, I get a blank setup box and it locks up.

What am I doing wrong? My SX56 is in the cradle and connected while I'm doing this.

BTW, thank you SO MUCH! This is a fun and informative program! And I can't wait until I get my PPC4100 and will actually have enough memory to run it without getting out of memory messages all the time. :D

06-14-2004, 09:10 PM
I'm having a problem installing the Themes file to my SD card. After setup gives me the option of where to install them, and I click on the external storage card, I get a blank setup box and it locks up.

What am I doing wrong? My SX56 is in the cradle and connected while I'm doing this.

BTW, thank you SO MUCH! This is a fun and informative program! And I can't wait until I get my PPC4100 and will actually have enough memory to run it without getting out of memory messages all the time. :D

Go to www.StocksAndWeatherToday.com/support.html if you are having problems getting the themes to install. For some reason, the install script does not work on all devices and the support web page has alternate install techniques.