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View Full Version : Strange Wi-Fi Problem!!!

05-25-2004, 02:54 PM
I would like to share my experience on a strange Wi-Fi problem that occur on my HP IPAQ h4150.

When I on my Pocket PC WLAN (Wi-Fi) and go to a place with no Wi-Fi hotspots or access-points, I noticed that the SSID of the Wireless Access-Point that I 100% know it is not here, appears as 'connected' even though it is 'not connected'. I wonders why this happens? This problem is important to me since I often go to places to scan for any Wi-Fi networks that the Pocket PC detected.

I wondered if you all experienced the problem that I am facing now? I hope you will tell me how to prevent this from happening.

Thanks! :D

05-25-2004, 04:01 PM
I have seen this before. I often encounter it at home. Most likely it is a network that is not broadcasting an SSID. If you have a wirelss network saved in your ipaq and that wirless network does not broadcast an SSID the ipaq will sometimes try and log on to another available network that does not broadcast an SSID. Does that make sense? In other words my work network does not broadcast an SSID, sometimes at home I will notice that I am connected to my work network. But really it is one of my neighbors who is not broadcasting an SSID. I simple disconnect or soft reset should solve the problem.

05-29-2004, 03:01 PM
I followed all your steps in doing that and you told me that you can solve the problem by simply just disconnect or soft-reset.
I have done all that but my Pocket PC Wi-Fi (WLAN) still display the Wi-Fi SSID network when I know it is not there.

Kah Chong

Zack Mahdavi
05-29-2004, 04:35 PM
I've noticed this same problem too.. it happens with any wireless network you are out of range of, regardless of whether it broadcasts the SSID.

The iPaq will say its connected even if you know it's not possible for it to connect to that network. Generally, though, this is shown in the connection settings, but globally the iPaq doesn't register that it's "connected."

It's never caused problems for me.. it's just been one of those small nuisances.

06-01-2004, 12:53 PM
I followed all your steps in doing that and you told me that you can solve the problem by simply just disconnect or soft-reset.
I have done all that but my Pocket PC Wi-Fi (WLAN) still display the Wi-Fi SSID network when I know it is not there.

Kah Chong

Have you tried removing all wireless configurations on your iPAQ. See if that helps. Do you know if there are any wireless netowrks in your area? If so how many?