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View Full Version : cool iPAQ repair serice I found

05-19-2004, 11:24 PM
Hi folks,

I don't know if this is the place to post this or not but thought I would anyway in case anyone else has problems like I did.

I have had an iPAQ 4150 for just under a year now, and I use it for everything from listening to MP3 files to religiously living by the appointments that I store in it (from the dentist to meetings with clients.) So you can tell that I am pretty attached to it, this specific one in particular because my girlfriend bought it me as a birthday pressie.

Anyway, I stupidly dropped it against the corner of a table and cracked the screen, which I then found out was not the WHOLE screen but just the touch screen bit...I was gutted!

I phoned Hewlatt Packard and was quoted £170 to get it repaired which I thought was pretty steep but seeing as I dont think i could live with out it now, I was going to pay, albeit reluctantly.

Just before I sent it off to HP though I did a pretty in depth trawl around the net to see if I could get it repaired any where else for less money and of the 4 companies I emailed, only ONE stocked the part AND had it in stock.

I sent my precious off, and for £68.90 and 2 days waiting, I got it back good as new, cleaned up and thoroughly delighted at the level of service and competence.

So if you need a good, reliable and friendly service I have to say go to http://www.ipaqrepair.co.uk and check them out, they saved me from a few weeks of doom and gloom without my little electronic baby and are definately worth a look if your in the same boat.

Anyway folks, take care and carry on with the great site


Nick Butler

05-19-2004, 11:44 PM
I've been here long enough...

Don't cross post!!!

Janak Parekh
05-20-2004, 01:56 AM
Agreed. Anyone who wants to comment, please do so here:

