View Full Version : Can it be done . . . ??
05-17-2004, 10:56 AM
Whaasup everybody . . . im really new to this really interesting world of pocket pc , i recently got my 2215 and i must say im really pleased with it . . . but i was wondering if you can change those really boring sounds : Default , Hwandsw , Infbeg , Infend , Loudest , Lowbatt , i ask this because i notice that if you go into the sounds and notifications menu theres no option to change this sounds , by the way , correct me if im wrong but those are the sound that the pocket pc makes for messages , such as low battery , any tap on the screen , loading a program , etc . please if you know how can i change this , please , please tell me how . . . i have a lot of wav files i can use . . . hope you guys can help . . . thanks !!!
p.s. By the way i have change the sounds for the reminders , beam , connection disconnected , connection established , Activesync : End sync , but the Activesync : Begin sync does not sound when i put it in the cradle . . . it does sound when i take it off , but not when its sync´s , also i have downloaded e-mail trough a connection from my movil a sony ericsson z600 and it doesnt play the sound that i gave it to play . . . what am i doing wrong . . . i really like my sounds , but i just can hear them , like i said its only those two that give me trouble , Activesync : Begin sync and e-mail , please help !!!!
05-17-2004, 05:12 PM
I like you but you need to stop bolding all your postings... its considered rather rude to be posting in this manner.
I think your answer was posted in the forum at Brighthand...
05-18-2004, 07:28 AM
you need to stop bolding all your postings... its considered rather rude to be posting in this manner.
Hi there . . . i didnt tought it was consider rude , so if you think i was being a punk sorry . . . :oops: dont know if you notice but im from Tijuana Mexico , so my english its not perfect . . . like i said i didnt intend to be rude . . . but i will stop now , thanks for the advice :beer:
I think your answer was posted in the forum at Brighthand...
Yes i been visiting brighthand also . . . didnt knew it was the same forum or is it ?? i just wanted to have as much opinions as i can get , by the way you forgot to tell me how to do it . . . do you happen to know . . . ??? thanks . . . !!!
05-18-2004, 07:03 PM
No problem... as I said I have seen you on the boards... and I like you, I know that what you are doing was not intentional... just thought I would bring it to your attention. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way.
As for what you are trying to do... you should be able to rename the existing files... "LowBatt.wav" to something like "OldLowBatt.wav"
Then take the wav file you want to use... and rename it "LowBatt.wav" and move it into the Windows directory... I just check it with "Loudest.wav" and it worked fine.
Just to be safe rename the files you are changing so you can easily change them back... they can't be erased... but giving them a naming convention makes them easy to find and identify.
Don't Panic!
05-18-2004, 07:12 PM
Hi guys,
That trick no longer works now that WM2003 is the OS. :( Worked fine with the PPC2000 and PPC2002 OS though. 8)
Don't Panic!
05-18-2004, 10:15 PM
Well I don't know about whether it works on all WM2003 machines.. all I know is that on my Hp2210... I seem to have no issues doing it. The only one that I have tested so far is the "Loudest.wav" file... But I do have a surprise for my girlfriend who likes to run my battery down playing Triad... if this works... ;)
I used the built-in note application to create a wav file which I renamed as "Loudest.wav" and move it into the Windows directory... I then moved the audio up to the highest setting and my new wav file played. Just to make sure it stuck I soft booted my unit and tried it again and it worked fine.
I would suggest that Neo001 give it a shot and see how it goes.
05-19-2004, 05:53 PM
Ok.. posting an update... I ran my battery down last night and the LowBatt wav file didn't work. So either this doesn't work with all the wav files... or LowBatt is not attached to the function I assume it would be for.
09-21-2005, 07:55 PM
Neo001, how were u able to chang the following sounds: reminders , beam , connection disconnected , connection established? Please show me. thanks. by the way, i have the siemens sx66 which i believe uses the PPC Phone edition 2003. is this the same as the WM2003?
01-04-2006, 08:28 AM
Well,by using tweaks2k you can have the option to put any wav sound instead of default sound
Nurhisham Hussein
01-04-2006, 08:42 AM
by the way, i have the siemens sx66 which i believe uses the PPC Phone edition 2003. is this the same as the WM2003?
Yes, it is.
01-05-2006, 07:19 AM
just went ot and the registry tweak to change the default low batt tone has been mentioned on the front page of the site
Patrick Y.
01-06-2006, 07:36 AM
Wisbar Advance adds some cool sound to the system.... 8)
01-06-2006, 07:41 AM
Wisbar Advance adds some cool sound to the system.... 8)
I have derived something on it..more bells and wistles, more rapidly ur battery goes down. Also after 2-3 days of use u get bored :(
Patrick Y.
01-06-2006, 07:45 AM
Also after 2-3 days of use u get bored :(
not for me :lol:
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