05-16-2004, 06:14 AM
I had to hard reset my iPAQ 2200 the other day. I've never bothered to back up the entire device on any of my Pocket PCs because I only have a couple of apps to reinstall, and all my other data just syncs back (Outlook and Files). However, I was dismayed to notice that my laboriously-created Nevo settings vanished when the 2200 was hard reset, even once all my other data was synced back onto the device. It took me forever to get it set up again, and it's still not completely back to normal, I don't think, so I'm really interested in figuring out how to avoid this in the future.
The obvious first place I looked was in the Nevo folder that gets created in My Documents on the iPAQ when you first launch Nevo, but no files show up in that folder or the subfolders underneath it. I also noticed after poking around randomly in the iPAQ file store (in ROM) that there's a Nevo folder structure there as well that looks identical to the one in My Docs, but again nothing shows up in the folder or subfolders.
So, anyone got any idea where the Nevo settings live, so I could back just those up? There are times when I want to hard reset to clear up a problem, and in those cases I don't want to do a full restore from an ActiveSync or other backup, so it'd be great to just have the Nevo files by themselves.
The obvious first place I looked was in the Nevo folder that gets created in My Documents on the iPAQ when you first launch Nevo, but no files show up in that folder or the subfolders underneath it. I also noticed after poking around randomly in the iPAQ file store (in ROM) that there's a Nevo folder structure there as well that looks identical to the one in My Docs, but again nothing shows up in the folder or subfolders.
So, anyone got any idea where the Nevo settings live, so I could back just those up? There are times when I want to hard reset to clear up a problem, and in those cases I don't want to do a full restore from an ActiveSync or other backup, so it'd be great to just have the Nevo files by themselves.