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View Full Version : XDA / ODA / iMate serial connector and accessories: How to modify and use iPaq stuff?

05-15-2004, 12:54 PM
Got an iMate. Love it. And was overjoyed to note that the connector on the bottom fits all our iPaq stuff. Until it seems that they're wired differently. For instance, I plugged it into an iPaq car charger, and.... not charging. Come ON; that's just silly. Probably why the iPaq folding keyboard didn't work either.

Soooooo, before I start cracking open connectors and testing pinouts, have any of you all seen/discussed this yet (didn't find any threads on this here)? Is there a repository that covers the pinouts on these two, so that I can crack open my iPaq connectors and mod to work on the iMate? I can't be the first person who's pondered this issue.

Jason Dunn
05-15-2004, 06:06 PM
They didn't even keep the pinouts the same from XDA 1 to XDA 2 - I used a Sync 'n Charge cable made for the XDA 1 and it DRAINED the battery on the XDA 2... :roll:

Most people aren't up to mucking with pinouts, so I don't think you'll find many online resources on how to do it. Most of us just buy new accessories. ;-)

05-15-2004, 11:21 PM
Ive got an XDA 2. Lovely device. The best resource for the xda2/imate/mda2 is XDA Developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com/front_page.php).

This page (http://wiki.xda-developers.com/wiki/Connectors) discusses the pin-outs for the xda 1, for which there is apparently only minor differences (documented elsewhere in their forums, eg this post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=3929&highlight=22pin+pinout), just search).
