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05-08-2004, 04:35 AM
I need some preparation for a meeting with our hospital infosec group. I am a physician pushing to upgrade areas of the hospital upto wireless. I know they will ask me about anti-virus software, among other things. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any recommendations? Is it overkill to even worry about such a thing? Thanks.

Kacey Green
05-08-2004, 06:49 AM
for now it is overkill, back when the first palm virus speculations occured, the AV vendors did palm and PPC AV programs, but if that was a long time ago.

Symantec and Mcaafee both will check files as the go to and from the PPC and AVG as well.

For wirless connected PPC, this is currently not a big issue, but I'm sure someone makes the products still.
I'll look for a link later if nobody else posts one before I wake up.

05-08-2004, 07:34 AM
I need some preparation for a meeting with our hospital infosec group. I am a physician pushing to upgrade areas of the hospital upto wireless. I know they will ask me about anti-virus software, among other things. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any recommendations? Is it overkill to even worry about such a thing?
First, are you worried about Pocket PCs getting viruses or about your regular PCs getting viruses over your wireless upgrades?

If the former, there are some anti-virus programs for Pocket PCs, but they aren't really necessary (yet).

If the latter, I don't think wireless will significantly increase your exposure to viruses. If your PCs are running anti-virus software, you should be OK.

The thing that's more important to worry about with wireless is security. You don't want to have people accessing your network remotely, especially in a place with sensitive private information (like a hospital).

Of course, if you're a physician talking to IT people, I have to wonder why they would be asking about anti-virus software. They should be telling you what you should do.


Kacey Green
05-08-2004, 05:11 PM
Maybe wireless PPC arn't one of their priorities and it's gajtguy's project.

05-08-2004, 08:59 PM
Thank you all for your assistance. You brought up some good points. In fact, you did just what I needed; to help me be prepared. I have planned a meeting with IS in 2 weeks, at which time, I know I will be bombarded with questions. Unfortunately, our IS guys view any computer on the network a "breech" if you will. It is information like this that will help me be in the know. As far as network security, I will leave that up to our InfoSec group. They are requiring the use of LEAP security in order to access the network. In any case, antivirus is a sure topic of discussion, now I come prepared. Thanks alot. :D

Kacey Green
05-08-2004, 09:32 PM
No problem 8)
Good luck at the meeting!

05-08-2004, 09:44 PM
I'd worry more about encryption than virus protection. Depending on the network structure, you could enable several different type of security settings to make sure only approved users get on the network.

Kacey Green
05-08-2004, 09:52 PM
yes encryption is very important when dealing with private info. like paitent records.

05-09-2004, 03:11 AM
Very good points. Both the programs and the downloads are login/pw protected. The third party software that we are using has 128 bit encryption which meets/exceeds HIPPA standards. We are using Patient Tracker Enterprise by Handheldmed. Eventually, when true wireless environment becomes available, we will be using secure Pocket IE from our inhouse results browser which was programmed on the .NET platform. This means no data will actually reside on the device when you leave campus (based on the settings). Thanks again for all your help. I hope our IS security folks find less to rant about.

05-09-2004, 04:31 AM
Eventually, when true wireless environment becomes available, we will be using secure Pocket IE from our inhouse results browser which was programmed on the .NET platform. This means no data will actually reside on the device when you leave campus (based on the settings).
That may not be strictly true. You may have to ensure that the Temporary Internet Files folder doesn't contain cached copies of any data. If you don't and somebody gets the device, they might be able to view those files.


05-11-2004, 09:56 PM
An expensive but outstanding solution is posted here (http://smartassets.sfc8.com/cgi-bin/Blah/Blah.pl/Blah.pl?,v=display,b=news,m=1083771520) and usedin conjunction with AV or groupware a complete solution.

05-12-2004, 04:07 AM
Excellent discussion. I will look into this software, but know that security is impotant; but under a budget. Thanks to all.