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View Full Version : ANN: PocketRSS v1.40 is now available

05-07-2004, 03:42 PM
PocketRSS version 1.40 is now available and is a free upgrade for current registered users of PocketRSS v1.30 or earlier.

version 1.40 changes...
- support for ATOM v0.3 syndication format.
- support international character sets encoded in UTF-8.
- use of hardware navigation control in article viewer mode.
- new AutoReload events: ActiveSync detection, user-defined scheduled times.
- ability to set cache folder.
- updated Today Screen icons and menu management.
- disabled automatic attempt to reload data when simply switching to view a new source on Today Screen.
- better support for when a feed source does not have a title.
- ability to cancel a reload event on Today Screen.
- fixed failure to switch to PocketRSS when minimized on WM2003 devices.
- fixed handling for when corrupt webdata is found.
The latest download is available at: www.AtomicDB.com (http://www.happyjackroad.com/AtomicDB)