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View Full Version : Access Corporate Emails (Ms Exchange V5.5) via Outlook web acces thru RSA Token

05-04-2004, 03:50 PM
1) How do you open up files in your inbox? I am trying to access my corporate emails (On Microsoft Exchange V5.5) via Outlook Web Access (OWA) through RSA Secure ID Token?
Two problems faced here
- I often get the following message ‘The page you are looking for cannot be found’ from Internet Explorer click 'OK'
- I don’t seems to be able to read my emails ? I have used my stylus in the best possible way however can’t seems to bring up my emails???

Anyone any suggestions

Jeff Rutledge
05-04-2004, 03:54 PM
Unfortunately, OWA doesn't work with Pocket IE when 5.5 is the back end. I believe it's OK with Exchange 2000 or 2003. It has to do with the way the page is coded; PIE doesn't properly show the page.

You could look at using NetFront (http://www.access-us-inc.com/)as your browser. I believe this will let you get into OWA.