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05-03-2004, 03:25 AM
Good day!

I am using an hp ipaq 2210 rom 1.10

On the desktop I am using WIN XP and MS OUTLOOK 2002.

It was my assumption that when you changed the 'WORKING HOURS' and 'WORKING DAYS' in MS OUTLOOK (white part in DAY VIEW) and sync with your device that the 'WORKING HOURS/DAYS' on the Pocket PC (yellow part in DAY VIEW) will follow the desktop's settings however upon doing this it doesn't seem to work...

On the DESKTOP: Outlook2002 I changed my working hours to 8:30am to 5:30pm also I changed my work week to 6 days (Monday to Saturday)

On the POCKET PC: I found no option to do this. The 'WORKING HOURS' is 8:30am to 4:30pm also I noticed that my 'Saturdays' were not highlighted for office hours with yellow as well.

So how do I make it so that the 'WORKING HOURS' and 'WORKING DAYS' are set according to my specifications???

Is this a bug with Windows Mobile 2003 or a bug with Outlook 2002? Is there a resolution for this?

Any help would be great... Thanks in Advance.

Steven Cedrone
05-03-2004, 03:32 AM
I believe Tweaks2K2 (http://www.pc-counselor.com/downloads.htm) can change the work start/end time on your Pocket PC.


Kacey Green
05-03-2004, 03:44 AM
or if you are using Pocket Informant, if I recall correctly you can adjust these settings on the PPC via an option or setting, if I find it I'll post back here

05-03-2004, 04:22 AM
I believe Tweaks2K2 (http://www.pc-counselor.com/downloads.htm) can change the work start/end time on your Pocket PC.


Thanks for the swift reply Steve...

Hmmm.... so is this bug in the WinMobile OS :|? I hope MS fixes this... I mean this is just basic thing that should really work when they roll-out an OS (like the alarms...:()

Anyway re: Tweaks2K2 this is a reg editor right (that is automated)? Will it be safe to mess around with my registry? What if I have a reg editor (I have Resco Exp 2003 installed) already can I also modify my registry to have the same effect? Were can I get the correct registry values to do this?

Kacey Green
05-03-2004, 04:32 AM
I believe Tweaks2K2 (http://www.pc-counselor.com/downloads.htm) can change the work start/end time on your Pocket PC.


Thanks for the swift reply Steve...

Hmmm.... so is this bug in the WinMobile OS :|? I hope MS fixes this... I mean this is just basic thing that should really work when they roll-out an OS (like the alarms...:()

Anyway re: Tweaks2K2 this is a reg editor right (that is automated)? Will it be safe to mess around with my registry? What if I have a reg editor (I have Resco Exp 2003 installed) already can I also modify my registry to have the same effect? Were can I get the correct registry values to do this?
yes it is a reg hack, :google:

05-05-2004, 09:29 AM
@Kacey Green and Steven Cedrone: Any reg hacks for this??? Can you direct me to them? Thanks in Advance

Kacey Green
05-05-2004, 11:07 AM
After you use Tweaks 2k you can uninstall it, but you'll have to buy it if you want to make more changes

These are all I found, sorry I couldn't help much

your turn steve

Steven Cedrone
05-05-2004, 01:08 PM
From PC councelor(the creators of Tweaks2K2)... (http://www.pc-counselor.com/How_to/index.htm)

How to change the start and end hour and the free days in the calendar?
the How To of this trick can be found here in the best web page about HandHelds PCs:


And this is what Henri Spagnolo says about this trick:


Value ActiveTimes
Default value is '2210003E' (hexadecimal) ~ 8:00-17:00; Sa/Su

Pairs of two digits belong together: 22|10|00|3E
The first two pairs (from left to right) count 0,5h (hours) starting at midnight.
You must enable 1/2h view in 'View' Menu to see 1/2h markings.

The second pair defines 'Start of working hours'
The first pair defines 'End of working hours'
The third pair is unused till now (??)
The last pair defines work free days (3E = Sa/Su)

For example: first pair:
22hex = 34dec /2 = 17h ~ 17:00
23hex = 35dec /2 = 17.5h ~ 17:30

The rightmost hex-digit pair (default 3E ~ Su/Mo) is interpreted as follows:

unused,Sa,Fr,Th,We,Tu,Mo,Su where 1=work day, 0=free day

1F(hex) = 00011111(bin) ~ Fr/Sa free days
3E(hex) = 00111110(bin) ~ Sa/Su free days
7C(hex) = 01111100(bin) ~ So/Mo free days

Result f.ex:
2412007C(hex) = 605159548(dec) ~ 9:00-18:00; Su/Mo
2312003E(hex) = 588382270(dec) ~ 9:00-17:30; Sa/Su

I use the PHM registry editor (www.phm.lu/products); it can handle/show dec, hex and bin values - be careful, have backups!

Use the seven day, 1/2 hour view in Calendar-view to control settings.
The 'first day of week' setting in Calendar-Extras-options is not relevant to free/working days!

That's all

Now, I don't have the ActiveTimes key, so not too sure about this one. the first thing I would do is a full backup! Then you can try to create the key and change the values to see what happens...

Did I mention "you better make a full backup first"? :wink:

Edit: It was very nice (IMHO) for Ctitanic to post this on his web site. I got it working after a bit of trial and error. If you are not comfortable doing this, I suggest you just go ahead and pick up Tweaks2K2...


Kacey Green
05-05-2004, 07:31 PM
I too apreciate this, I hope he keeps it there, good advertising for his program, after someone starts regularly changing these keys they'll want to buy tweaks2k2

05-06-2004, 02:20 AM
@Steve: I don't understand 80% of the post but hey I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks very much for the info and the link... am backing up my registry now to try and figure this out :)

Kacey Green
05-06-2004, 02:57 AM
@Steve: I don't understand 80% of the post but hey I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks very much for the info and the link... am backing up my registry now to try and figure this out :)
when you use the "@" that is you directing the attention of certian members?

05-06-2004, 03:21 AM
@Steve: I don't understand 80% of the post but hey I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks very much for the info and the link... am backing up my registry now to try and figure this out :)
when you use the "@" that is you directing the attention of certian members?

@Kacey Green: Yes '@' is when I am addressing a specific person :mrgreen: Anyway haven't started with the calendar yet! (so many papers to sign today... hmph!) By the way have you seen the new ROM 1.10 for the h22xx?? I think they just placed the SD fix in and changed the release date; it's in another thread here http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=27647 maybe if I mess up my registry I'd do this update after all :P!

Kacey Green
05-06-2004, 03:56 AM
I'm looking for a good excuse to do that too. :)

Steven Cedrone
05-06-2004, 04:20 AM
@Steve: I don't understand 80% of the post but hey I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks very much for the info and the link... am backing up my registry now to try and figure this out :)

If you run into a problem, let me know the days of the week you work and the start and end time each day and I'll give you the values you need to enter for the ActiveTimes key...


Kacey Green
05-06-2004, 04:32 AM
I'm looking for a good excuse to do that too. :)

The update

05-06-2004, 05:02 AM
Edit: It was very nice (IMHO) for Ctitanic to post this on his web site. I got it working after a bit of trial and error. If you are not comfortable doing this, I suggest you just go ahead and pick up Tweaks2K2...


@Steve: So you were able to 'ADD' and 'MODIFY' the 'ActiveTimes key... I am a bit confused on what to type in as the details... I want to have it display as this:

WORKING DAYS: Mon thru Sat
WORKING HOURS: 8:30am to 5:30pm

Ok I used the 'CALCULATOR' in XP :) to get these...
23|11|00|7E(hex) = 588316798 (dec)
23 = 17.50 = 5:30pm
11 = 8.50 = 8:30am
00 = unused
01111110 = 7E = Su free

So I just create a 'ActiveTime' Folder then Type the HEX and DEC in???

Is that it?

05-06-2004, 05:09 AM
@Steve or anyone: Ok I'm using RESCO 2003 at the specified folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Calendar

I tap 'NEW' there are 5 choices
'String Value'
'Multi String Value'
'Binary Value'
'DWORD Value'

So which do I pick???

I should name it exactly as 'ActiveTimes' correct???

05-06-2004, 05:16 AM
@steve: Is it ok if you could check the values I got? Please advise me on the next step for this thanks :)

Steven Cedrone
05-06-2004, 01:01 PM
Tap and hold on calendar and create a new KEY
Call the key ActiveTimes
Tap and hold Activetimes, and create a new DWORD value
Call the DWORD value ActiveTimes
Click on the Hex radio button and add the value from your calculations there!

Your values are correct! Make sure you do a soft reset after you are done!

Let me know if you have any other problems!


05-07-2004, 02:00 AM
@Steve: I have followed your instructions and am happy to report that it works! I now have the WORK HOURS and WORK DAYS modified to fit my schedule. Thanks a lot :)

Steven Cedrone
05-07-2004, 04:54 AM
@Steve: I have followed you instructions and am happy to report that it works! I now have the WORK HOURS and WORK DAYS modified to fit my schedule. Thanks a lot :)

Great to hear! :way to go:
