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View Full Version : How to use a Siemens 512MB MMC on a MDA II??

05-01-2004, 07:35 PM
Hi everybody!

I've got a 512MB MMCs from Siemens which is originally used in a Siemens Simatic S7-300. Unfortunately I can't use it with my MDA II [T-Mobile] and now I want to ask you for a/some way/s how I can get it running on my MDA II.

Thanks for your Work :)


Janak Parekh
05-02-2004, 06:27 AM
Can you get the card to read in a desktop SD/MMC reader? If not, you're unlikely to ever get it to work in a Pocket PC.


05-02-2004, 04:59 PM
Yes, I can read the MMC with my cardreader on my PC, but the File-Managers says, that the size is only ~15MB... This 15MB can I use, but not the rest :(
Is there any program which can change this?! Maybe something to format the whole Siemens MMC to a standart MMC; a low-level format.

Thanks for your work :)


Janak Parekh
05-02-2004, 07:20 PM
Is there any program which can change this?! Maybe something to format the whole Siemens MMC to a standart MMC; a low-level format.
I don't know. :( This is a pretty rare setup. I'm afraid you'll have to try a couple of Google searches and see what turns up.

Good luck,


05-02-2004, 07:34 PM
Okay, thanks Janak.
I wonder, that you can't get the full space off the 512MB Siemens MMC, it's a pitty... But there must be a lil' hint, but where ;)
If any other know any prog which can help me, I would be glad, if you tell me!

Thanks for your work :)


05-03-2004, 06:40 AM
Okay, thanks Janak.
I wonder, that you can't get the full space off the 512MB Siemens MMC, it's a pitty... But there must be a lil' hint, but where ;)
If any other know any prog which can help me, I would be glad, if you tell me!

Thanks for your work :)


How about using a card reader and let windows format the card and change the fileformat to fat16?

Janak Parekh
05-03-2004, 04:06 PM
How about using a card reader and let windows format the card and change the fileformat to fat16?
Well, his comment about a "low-level" format suggests deaddreamer tried a high-level format. But yes, if deaddreamer hasn't, they definitely should do that before anything else.


05-26-2004, 09:53 AM
Can't you use a SD plastic holder for the MMC card and put it in the MDA II? Don't MMC and SD have the same pin-arrangement?


Steven Cedrone
05-26-2004, 12:45 PM
I remember getting an MMC card for free here awhile ago, threw that in my Pocket PC and started playing with it. Turns out the card was read only and there was no way to format it (due to the memory used for the card). I wonder if he was just reading the card in the Siemens device or he was reading and writing to it...


Janak Parekh
05-30-2004, 03:38 AM
Can't you use a SD plastic holder for the MMC card and put it in the MDA II? Don't MMC and SD have the same pin-arrangement?
Yes - the problem is not fitting, but rather what one can do with it once it's inserted. The MMC card has very similar dimensions; it's primarily a bit thinner.
