Philip Colmer
05-17-2004, 05:00 PM
<img src="" /><br /> <br /><b>Product Category:</b> Adventure game<br /><b>Manufacturer:</b> <a href="">Z-Logics</a><br /><b>Where to Buy:</b> <a href="">Handango</a> (affiliate link)<br /><b>Price:</b> $19.95 USD<br /><b>System Requirements:</b> Minimum of 26.2MB of storage memory and 12MB of application memory. Can (and probably should) be installed on a memory card. Works on Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 devices.<br /><br /><b>Pros:</b><li>Great story line;<br /><li>Fantastic graphics;<br /><li>High quality optional sound.<b>Cons:</b><ul><li>Needs a lot of free memory.</ul><b>Summary:</b><br />Adventure games for the Pocket PC are few and far between - and Gilbert Goodmate sets the standard for other games to follow. If you ever needed a reason to buy a storage card for your Pocket PC, this is it. :D <br /><br />Read on for the full review!<!><br /><PAGEBREAK><br /><span><b>Small Is Not The Word</b></span><br />As I installed Gilbert Goodmate (hereafter referred to as <b>GG</b>) and then started to play it, there was one adjective that kept springing to mind as the most appropriate word to describe this game ... <span>BIG!</span> Now, one might wonder why I couldn't use huge, immense or even gargantuan but, no, the word is definitely big! 8O <br /><br />The software itself places big demands on the memory & storage available on your Pocket PC. Thankfully, Z-Logics have structured the installation into several parts so that you've got various installation choices:<li> 32MB memory card<br />Only the game - 26.2MB required<br /><br /><li> 64MB memory card<br />As above or<br />The game + high quality music - 43.2MB or<br />The game + Gilbert's speech - 56.7MB<br /><br /><li> 128MB memory card<br />As above or<br />The game + high quality music + Gilbert's speech - 73.7MB or<br />The game + everyone's speech - 109.7MB<br /><br /><li> 256MB or larger memory card<br />As above or<br />The game + high quality music + everyone's speech - 126.8MBJust to clarify one point - I've specified that the top-level combination requires a 256MB card, even though it consumes 127MB because a 128MB card doesn't give you 128MB of free space. Unfortunately, the game installer doesn't handle the optional extras - you have to extract them from their Zip files and then copy them into the game's directory on your Pocket PC.<br /><br />The other use of the adjective is in the scope of the game. It really is big – the game is divided into a number of acts, with each act having a definite goal that you have to achieve before you can move on to the next act. The desginers of the game claim that there is over 40 hours of playing and I would certainly go along with this - it took me that long with a walkthrough guide. :!: <br /><br /><span><b>Playing The Game</b></span><br />So what is the format of the game and what is it about?<br /><br />In a nutshell, the game is a 2D third person point-and-click graphical adventure, along the lines of the Monkey Island series that is popular on the PC. It is probably best explained with a few screenshots. Let's start a new game ...<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 1: Load or new game?</i><br /><br />When you first run GG, you are presented with what's shown in Figure 1. I'll show you how the Load Game interface works a bit later on, but for now, let's get on with starting a new game. Tapping on "New Game" gives you an opening cut-scene that explains the background to the game, namely that Gilbert lives in a town called Phungoria which idolises a giant mushroom because it once helped to defeat an evil wizard. At the time of the game, the mushroom gets stolen and Gilbert's grandfather, who had been entrusted with looking after the mushroom, is imprisoned and sentenced to death.<br /><br />If you've never played a game like this before, a cut-scene is a section of animation that you have no control over and which takes you from one point in the story to the next.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 2: Gilbert at home.</i><br /><br />After the cut-scene, you are able to control Gilbert's actions. Initially, Gilbert is in his house at the top of a mountain. The purpose of the first act, really, is to get to learn the interface, figure out some simple puzzles and laugh at the humour in the game. The user interface is very simple – tap on an object and either a white or a red cross will appear. If a red cross appears, you'll also get a description of the object you've found, as shown in Figure 3.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 3: Hmmm ... biscuits!</i><br /><br />Sometimes you do have to be very precise with where you tap on the screen. Some of the objects you are trying to hit are quite small and the Pocket PC's display size doesn't help here, I guess. There really wasn't much that Z-Logics could do about this, though, when porting the game from the PC.<br /><br />If you keep the stylus on the screen longer, the user interface agent appears ... in the shape of a mushroom. Well, it is in keeping with the storyline :) From there, you've always got three and only three actions – look at the object, talk to the object or manipulate the object with your hands (e.g. pick up, push, etc). Looking at an object is always a good first step as the game will often give you some additional information about the object you've found, as shown in Figure 4.<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 4: What happens when you look at the biscuits?</i><br /><br />In the case of the biscuits, I guess the next thing to try would be to pick them up ...<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><i>Figure 5: What happens when you try to pick up the biscuits?</i><br /><PAGEBREAK><br />Just for a laugh, and more for the sake of completeness than anything else, let's try talking to the biscuits. :D <br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><br /><img src="" /><br /> <br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 6: So I'm mad for wanting to talk to the biscuits.</i><br /><br />As you can see, the game is littered with humour (you might want to try saying 'Hi Biscuits' out loud if you don't get this one) and there is almost a challenge to see what silly things you can ask Gilbert to do in order to find the humour. If you enjoy Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett, I think you'll like the humour in Gilbert Goodmate. I still haven't forgiven the game designers for introducing the sock ... you'll know what I'm talking about if you've played the game. :wink:<br /><br />There are some wonderful characters to meet in the game - Elton the inventor, Madam Zyx, the Vikings and, of course, Arver the hypochrondriac. :lol: <br /><br /><span><b>Playing With Objects</b></span><br />When you pick an object up, it gets added to your inventory. Gilbert keeps all of the things you pick up within his trousers, which makes for interesting animation when some of the objects are large and you've asked him to do something with an object. The inventory is accessed by pressing down on the D-pad and an example of the inventory is shown in Figure 7.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 7: Gilbert's inventory.</i><br /><br />Objects in the inventory can be combined with other objects or can be used on objects in the game. The act of achieving either of these goals can be a bit tricky to begin with but, once you've got the hang of it, it works well considering the device's limits. For example, to use the crank handle on the crankcase, you tap and hold on the handle then drag the handle until it is outside the inventory box. If you don't start dragging quickly enough, the mushroom interface appears – which may be what you want if, for example, you want to look at the object.<br /><br />Once you've dragged the object out of the inventory box, you then drag the object over something else until, as you can see in Figure 8, the game gives you an action. Lifting the stylus off the screen completes the action.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 8: Using a carried object on something else.</i><br /><br /><span><b>Game Design</b></span><br />It is probably worth mentioning at this point that just because the game offers you an action, it doesn't necessarily mean that Gilbert will carry it out. There are two design points that I really appreciated with this game:<li> That you don't have to carry out the steps required to complete a puzzle in a given order.<br /><br />This is important because it means that you are free to wander through the game in any order, interacting with any objects that you see. Most puzzles require you to have completed certain actions, or picked up certain objects, in order to move on to the next stage. The freedom of being able to complete those actions or get those objects in any order you like makes the game easier to play (because you aren't entirely constrained by the designer's thinking) and more enjoyable to play.<br /><br /><li> That the game won't let you do anything with an object that would result in you not being able to use that object later on when you really need it.<br /><br />This is important because it gives you the reassurance that, should you get stuck, you can start to try really outrageous wacky ideas, safe in the knowledge that if it wasn't what you needed to do to move on, the game either won't let you do it or it won't harm your progress if you do it.<span><b>Talking The Talk</b></span><br />Once you've completed the initial puzzles, you will find yourself in the town centre, talking to the princess. It is here that you are given your objectives for the next act of the game, namely to solve the task she gives you in order to avoid the execution of your grandfather. Dialogue between Gilbert and a character is either established by using the mushroom to "talk" to that character or it can be the result of the game having started a conversation as is the case here between the princess and Gilbert.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 9: Gilbert's first dialogue choices.</i><br /><br />When it is Gilbert's turn to speak, you will be given some phrases to pick from. Remember rule #2 above – the game won't let you do anything that will prevent you from being able to complete the game later on, so you can really enjoy yourself and pick whichever phrase you think might elicit (a) the right answer; (b) some valuable information or; (c) a good laugh.<br /><br />It should be noted, though, that sometimes Gilbert won't actually say what you ask him to, as you can see in Figure 10 and Figure 11. :oops: <br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><i>Figure 10: Asking Gilbert to say "I think you're cute".</i><br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 11: Not quite what he was asked to say.</i><br /><br />If you've got the storage space to spare, I would strongly advise installing the additional speech files. It adds an extra depth to the game that is missing if you have to read the words for yourself. Hearing the characters speak helps to bring them to life. It does slow the pace down slightly if you can read faster than they talk so, if you want to move the pace on, tapping on the screen ends the current sentence being spoken.<br /><br />Once you've got to this stage in the game, you can break loose of the village and finally get an idea of the scope and size of the game by interacting with the map, as shown in Figure 12. You can't tell from this static screenshot but there are some lovely detail touches such as the waves in the water – a quality touch.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 12: The map of the game.</i><br /><br />There are roughly eight places that you can visit throughout the game but the map won't let you visit some until you've achieved the required milestones.<br /><PAGEBREAK><br /><span><b>Saving, Loading and Other Things</b></span><br />At some point, you will want to save the game. No, honest, you will. You may think that you are going to just start playing and keep on going but this game is big (had I mentioned that before?) and I really don't think you are going to be able to complete this game in one sitting. Apart from anything else, you may just want to save occasionally in case your Pocket PC decides you need a break and stops working.<br /><br />Pressing up on the D-pad brings up the game control interface, as shown in Figure 13. If you press up by mistake, you can tap on "Back".<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 13: Control interface.</i><br /><br />Tapping on "Save" changes the interface to that shown in Figure 14. From here, you can scroll up and down the existing game entries or you can scroll down to the bottom and enter a new save name. I found the scroll bar a bit hard to see and it took me far too long that you could have almost as many saved games as you liked because the scroll bar didn't make it clear that you could keep on adding new save slots.<br /><br />The only restriction that is placed on you with regard to saving is that you cannot do it part way through an ongoing conversation. This is to prevent the game from saving a position that cannot be returned to later on.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 14: Saving a game.</i><br /><br />The converse action, loading a game, gives you the interface shown in Figure 15. As with saving a game, you can scroll up and down the slots. Tapping on a slot causes the image for that stage of the game to be displayed as a reminder of where you got to. I should point out that I used a really boring naming scheme of incremental numbers, which is why my saved games are called 38, 39, 40, etc. (apart from NOTVERYFAR which I did for this review).<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><i>Figure 15: Loading a previously saved game.</i><br /><br />Apart from saving & loading, you can also quit the game, turn the speech text (a.k.a. subtitles) on or off, or change the game from right to left handed. You also have control over how loud the music, speech and sound effects are. Like the music and the speech, the sound effects really do add to the ambience of the game.<br /><br /><span><b>Conclusions</b></span><br />By now, you've probably gathered that I enjoyed playing this game. Z-Logics have done a great job of porting the game from the PC. The graphics look stunning, the sound really adds to the game and the puzzles, although tricky in places, are pitched just about right.<br /><br />This game is heaps of fun. It helps if you've got a wacky sense of humour, but it isn't compulsory. In case you haven't realised by now, the game is big and should keep even experienced adventurers busy for several days-worth of solid playing. Let's hope there is a sequel.