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View Full Version : Blackberry Push email on multi platform

04-26-2004, 10:47 AM
Dont know if any of you have seen but there is somthing called ReplyWireless that offers email push technology to wireless devices like PocketPC's (XDA2 and the like), Treo's and the P800/P900 and other symbian devices.

Pretty darn funky, does all the same as the Blackberry but also wirelessly syncs your address book, global address book and more.

We use it here for our Lotus Notes but also does Exchange.

Now I can chuck out my speak and spell and just use my new toy :)

04-27-2004, 02:59 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll have to check it out.

04-29-2004, 09:56 AM
www.replywireless.net for the actual product.

www.choir.it for a UK based supplier on Domino 0X