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View Full Version : 221x and CF Wifi card - please help!!!!

04-23-2004, 11:47 AM
Whatever I do I can't access the internet from my PDA - I connect to my AP, no problem. I've tried the 2003 and 2002 drivers - both do that just fine.

I've got it set to 'internet' not 'work' and for some weird reason it picks up a DHCP address outside the range of my router (yep, it is my AP it's connected too!). I open explorer and 'the page you have chosen is not available'. Every time. :(

If I manually enter the IP address (and gateway)- same thing. :(

What I've got:

D-Link 504 ADSl router
Belkin WiFi AP
D-Link DCF660w CF card
iPAQ 2210 - ROM upgrade 1.10

If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be very grateful!

Also, I notice from other posts that people have used the senao drivers - is the card I have an OEM and if so, can it be used in PC card converter with XP? I've gone to the senao site and can't find anything about 660 being related to senao devices...

04-23-2004, 06:17 PM
I am not sure what your problems might be... I have the Hp2210 and the D-Link 660w card... and they work fine with my D-Link DI-614+ router.

Do you have WEP enabled...?

04-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Yep - WEP seems OK.

I found a driver for XP and installed the card in my notebook - I get the same wierd IP addresses. I'm starting to think it might a router thing.

I've got a Belkin Wifi PC card and that works fine, collects a local address without issue but that uses its own driver. It's like Windows drivers tunnel past the router some how... :|

Steven Cedrone
04-23-2004, 06:49 PM
The "weird" address you are getting, it wouldn't happen to be an IP address of the form '169.xxx.xxx.xxx'?

I would do this: If you have MAC filtering on, turn it off. Disable WEP. Turn on SSID broadcast (if you have it off). See if you can connect.


04-23-2004, 07:22 PM
Wow - thanks Steve. :D

It was a 169.xxx.xxx.xxx address and I did as you said. I can now browse - but so can any Tom, Dick or Harry!!!! :(

Can I have my cake and eat it? I'd like to browse and let the rest of my family have a reasonably secure connection, too. :?

Thanks again,

Steven Cedrone
04-23-2004, 08:35 PM
Add back your MAC filtering, make sure everything still works. Then add back your WEP, and again, make sure everything works (I'm almost 99% sure the WEP is what killed you before)


04-23-2004, 08:54 PM
I'll give it a go....


04-24-2004, 12:00 AM
We have a wireless network without the WEP on because it seems to cause some problems. We have it set up that only certain Mac addresses (2, by the way) can access the network and surf the internet. If you have a foreign computer to the network, you can "See" it buy not "Browse" it or "Surf" it!


04-24-2004, 08:55 PM
Got it working - I used the actual hex numbers my passphrase created and input it directly.

I still have my Mac filtereing on, so I'm happy all-round. :D

Thank you all for your help! 8)


04-25-2004, 11:48 PM
Really pleased now its working, I got 2hrs surfing last night & still had over 40% power left! From other reports I didn't think I'd get that much time...