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View Full Version : WTF? My Ipaq 1945 just hard reset itself

04-22-2004, 09:35 PM
I turn it on today and it told me to set it up :mad:

04-22-2004, 10:44 PM
One word "Backup"

Jon Westfall
04-23-2004, 12:26 AM
Hard Reset + Backup = Annoyed
Hard Reset - Backup = Livid
Hard Reset + Backup Created in the last hour = Less Annoyed, but not amused.

Jeff Rutledge
04-23-2004, 02:13 AM
I turn it on today and it told me to set it up :mad:

I hear you. It happened to me once right after installing a trial version of some application. I had a backup from the night before so it wasn't a huge deal, but it's still annoying and a little frightening when it happens.

Jon Westfall
04-23-2004, 04:31 PM
Perhaps we should start compliling a list of "killer" applications that have caused sponteous resets. Not to badmouth them, just so people are aware of them.

Janak Parekh
04-24-2004, 08:39 PM
Perhaps we should start compliling a list of "killer" applications that have caused sponteous resets. Not to badmouth them, just so people are aware of them.
This is easier said than done, though, since it's often the interaction of two or more software programs that causes it. :(


Jeff Rutledge
04-26-2004, 04:12 AM
Plus, when this happened the time I mentioned above, I restored from a backup and reinstalled the same app fine. :?:

04-26-2004, 05:10 PM
Plus, when this happened the time I mentioned above, I restored from a backup and reinstalled the same app fine. :?:

Same here. I've also noticed than sometimes the order of which the applications are installed also maked a difference. :?

Jeff Rutledge
04-26-2004, 05:11 PM
Unfortunately, I think these random hard resets will forever remain a mystery, like Atlantis and Dick Clark.