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View Full Version : 1910 and TomTom Software?

Tiny Clanger
04-16-2004, 12:08 PM
Looking for advice on the following...

I want to get Sat Nav for my car and have been looking at the TomTom Navigator set up. However, it appears that (from their website) that my poor old 1910 is not supported - meaning additional expense in updating my PDA as well as shelling out for the GPS stuff... :(

Does anyone know if there is a way I can use the 1910 with the TomTom software? Or do I have to beat up Mrs Clanger for some more cash to upgrade:D

Thanks in advance,


Chris Spera
04-16-2004, 01:26 PM
You have to beat up Ms. Clanger for more $$... :(

From what I understand, there's no way to rig this... The 1910 doesn't support SDIO, only has the one slot, and doesn't have BlueTooth... Since there's no native support for it from TomTom, you're pretty much SOL.

Sorry, dude.

Tiny Clanger
04-16-2004, 02:56 PM

Thanks for the prompt reply, but I'm still confused. The TomTom Navigator GPS receiver (non-bluetooth) is hardwired to the IPAQ cradle, so lack of bluetooth shouldn't be an issue (or should it - I'm very new to this technology...). Also, the storage requirements for the maps is 128Mb - so a conventional SD card should do the trick...

Once again - thanks for your help...


04-16-2004, 03:14 PM
From what I know the 1910 isn't able to handle the serial connection that the GPS would require.

Tiny Clanger
04-16-2004, 04:13 PM
Jacob - thanks for the reply. I suppose that makes sense if none of the 19xx series have the correct serial connector - you can get the 1940 with TomTom but only with the Bluetooth GPS....

Ho hum - anyone interested in a second hand IPAQ 1910, one careful owner....
