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View Full Version : Agenda Fusion Question

04-13-2004, 10:40 PM
Trying to create a folder/category that I can use to deposit various information (contacts, word docs, etc.) for an upcoming trip. Any idea how I can do this?

04-13-2004, 11:12 PM
I don't understand the question... all your contact information is kept in dbases on the PocketPC... you do not need to add anything in addition to what already exists. As for any documents you may wish to carry with you... just create a folder and move the files over via activesync.

I am sure that I am not truly understanding the question being prosed so you may wish to elaborate on what your trying to achieve.

04-14-2004, 12:26 AM
Would you be referring to 'linking'? Agenda Fusion does link to other files on the PPC but I don't use it. I might start because your question got me to look into it.

You can link appointments to contacts to Tasks, to Word files to Notepad files, etc. I just set up a multiple link of an appointment to a contact to a Word file. It's pretty cool. When you tap the link icon beside the appointment, it opens a small window showing each of the 3 links I set up, any of which can be tapped from within A.F.

I'm not aware of a linking app that works outside A.F. to link various files from various apps. (Doesn't mean it isn't available.)