View Full Version : iPAQ 5500 Series ROM 1.10 Update
Ed Hansberry
04-12-2004, 04:00 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />HP has released ROM 1.10 for the iPAQ 5500 series devices. Fixes and enhancements include:<br /><br />• Connectivity: Connectivity bubble displays GPRS status correctly when connected through proxy <br />• Connectivity: JavaScript event handler fires correctly <br />• Connectivity: PIE correctly encodes URLs with "&lang" references <br />• Contacts: Removes duplicate radio telephone number from Contacts List view <br />• Inbox: Short messages are not duplicated <br />• Inbox: SMS messages with alphanumeric address are parsed correctly <br />• Localization: Errant character no longer inserted by Action button on KOR <br />• Settings: Device properly returns to power off state after an alarm has fired<br />• SDIO driver update for the SDIO Camera and Socket Scanner <br />• Reduced power consumption while in hibernation mode. <br />• Bluetooth build <br />• Removal of currency calculator <br />• WLAN Driver update build <br />• Several connectivity fixes<br />• Several localization enhancements<br />• Settings: CHT owner info can be shown on power-on <br />• Shell: Alarms and meeting reminders use high-quality MIDI playback <br />• Shell: Improves data integrity when file system is nearly full <br />• Sync: Improves USB reliability <br /><br />See the HP link above for a full list. Like all ROM upgrades, this <b><i>will</i></b> require a hard reset and you <i><b>cannot</b></i> restore from a backup from a ROM 1.x device.
04-12-2004, 04:22 PM
Why does it remove the currency calculator?
04-12-2004, 04:26 PM
Well to replace it with a colorless, ugly replacement...of course! (Regretably)
04-12-2004, 04:45 PM
HP has released ROM 1.10 for the iPAQ 5500 series devices. Fixes and enhancements include:
• Connectivity: Connectivity bubble displays GPRS status correctly when connected through proxy
• Connectivity: JavaScript event handler fires correctly
• Connectivity: PIE correctly encodes URLs with "&lang" references
• Contacts: Removes duplicate radio telephone number from Contacts List view
• Inbox: Short messages are not duplicated
• Inbox: SMS messages with alphanumeric address are parsed correctly
• Localization: Errant character no longer inserted by Action button on KOR
• Settings: Device properly returns to power off state after an alarm has fired
• SDIO driver update for the SDIO Camera and Socket Scanner
• Reduced power consumption while in hibernation mode.
• Bluetooth build
• Removal of currency calculator
• WLAN Driver update build
• Several connectivity fixes
• Several localization enhancements
• Settings: CHT owner info can be shown on power-on
• Shell: Alarms and meeting reminders use high-quality MIDI playback
• Shell: Improves data integrity when file system is nearly full
• Sync: Improves USB reliability
See the HP link above for a full list. Like all ROM upgrades, this will require a hard reset and you cannot restore from a backup from a ROM 1.x device.
Ed I don't like to disagree with anyone, but in this case you are wrong. Hp has posted two ROM images, one allows you to upgrade to 1.10.10 this one, and the other to revert back to the 1.0.XX ROM, Also Hp in normal HP fashion has the files reversed on the main web page for the 5500.
Bill Gunn
04-12-2004, 05:10 PM
Ed I don't like to disagree with anyone, but in this case you are wrong. Hp has posted two ROM images, one allows you to upgrade to 1.10.10 this one, and the other to revert back to the 1.0.XX ROM, Also Hp in normal HP fashion has the files reversed on the main web page for the 5500.
How is Ed wrong? :?
Shouldn't we just wait for the WM 2003 SE update instead of reinstalling all of our apps twice?
04-12-2004, 05:28 PM
I guess I read that wrong.
When Ed posted you can not restore from a ROM 1.x device, I was thinking he was saying there is no way to restore a ROM 1.0.X image. As the updates posted by HP do not allow one to backup the current ROM image.
Hp has two images posted, the one HP has as the current version is in fact the old 1.0.xx version. And the one HP has as the previous version is the 1.10.10 version. Neither of the upgrade programs allow one to backup the ROM image to your PC like previous ROM update versions did.
Sorry for the confusion :oops:
Janak Parekh
04-12-2004, 05:36 PM
When Ed posted you can not restore from a ROM 1.x device, I was thinking he was saying there is no way to restore a ROM 1.0.X image. As the updates posted by HP do not allow one to backup the current ROM image.
Ah. Ed specifically reminds users not to restore their data backups onto new ROMs, as registry settings may have changed.
Mr. Resistor
04-12-2004, 05:37 PM
I usually update as soon as as new Rompaq is released. I think I'm going to hold off on this one...until the WM2003SE rompaq is released. I don't feel like slicking it and reloading it just to do it all again in a month or two (I hope).
04-12-2004, 05:40 PM
Shouldn't we just wait for the WM 2003 SE update instead of reinstalling all of our apps twice?
Well if you have one of the problems this ROM fixes, it might be worth while to update. If you want the newest Microsoft Reader and Messenger in ROM you will want this update. It seems to fix the notifications database bug. So you don't need to run a program to fix that. It also fixes the bug with the finger print reader always asking for a fingerprint when you turn it on.
Hmm if the warrant is about to expire on your device you may also want this update, seems like it might stress the memory a little more. My device after upgrading seems to have memory problems. :cry:
Ed Hansberry
04-12-2004, 06:57 PM
Ed I don't like to disagree with anyone, but in this case you are wrong. Hp has posted two ROM images, one allows you to upgrade to 1.10.10 this one, and the other to revert back to the 1.0.XX ROM, Also Hp in normal HP fashion has the files reversed on the main web page for the 5500.
I didn't say you couldn't reapply an old ROM. That is not restoring a backup. A backup is making a backup of RAM in ActiveSync, iPAQ Backup or whatever, applying a new ROM, doing a hard reset then trying to restore the backup rather than reinstall everything.
04-12-2004, 06:57 PM
... seems like it might stress the memory a little more. My device after upgrading seems to have memory problems. :cry:
Sorry to hear that. What type of memory problems are you having?
Ed Hansberry
04-12-2004, 06:59 PM
Well to replace it with a colorless, ugly replacement...of course! (Regretably)
Because the old one didn't work (never remebered your conversion rates) and because there are so many free alternatives, MS and OEMs seem to have chose the "remove it entirely" method to cut down on the numerous support calls about why it didn't remember your conversion factor.
04-12-2004, 07:27 PM
I have the 5450 running WM 2002. Will this upgrade run on my machine?
04-12-2004, 08:01 PM
Well to replace it with a colorless, ugly replacement...of course! (Regretably)
Because the old one didn't work (never remebered your conversion rates) and because there are so many free alternatives, MS and OEMs seem to have chose the "remove it entirely" method to cut down on the numerous support calls about why it didn't remember your conversion factor.
AFAIK, there is a way to get this back in...
04-12-2004, 08:33 PM
One thing that it also seems to fix is the problem with SD cards not being recognised quickly enough on resume after power off.
This means that MS Reader and Pocket Bible should now be able to be run happily when the device is powered on and off. At least that is my finding with MS Reader. I will try PB shortly...
Ed Hansberry
04-12-2004, 09:06 PM
One thing that it also seems to fix is the problem with SD cards not being recognised quickly enough on resume after power off.
:? That did not get fixed in the iPAQ 2215 ROM 1.10 update. It was the first thing I checked. Ebooks and Pocket Bible books do work fine on the card, but apps on the card still often lock up.
I have the 5450 running WM 2002. Will this upgrade run on my machine?
Good question. I thought you needed to pay to upgrade to Mobile 2003. But is the upgrade NOT a new ROM image?
I think when you run this utility though it will detect you do not have Mobile 2003 and therefore will not let you upgrade. You most likely need to buy the upgrade to Windows Mobile 2003 first.
Ed Hansberry
04-13-2004, 02:44 AM
I have the 5450 running WM 2002. Will this upgrade run on my machine?
Good question. I thought you needed to pay to upgrade to Mobile 2003. But is the upgrade NOT a new ROM image?
I think when you run this utility though it will detect you do not have Mobile 2003 and therefore will not let you upgrade. You most likely need to buy the upgrade to Windows Mobile 2003 first.
Wouldn't matter. It will detect it is a 5400 and very likely not run at all, regardless of the OS on it. The 5400 and 5500 are not identical devices.
Ed Hansberry
04-13-2004, 03:35 AM
FYI - I've seen some posts in the NG that this can seem to break the 5500's wireless access. After the upgrade and hard reset, remove the battery for a few seconds and put it back in and soft reset. This should return it to normal. Seems it just gets confused after the initial power-on after the upgrade.
I am not sure if its really breaking the WiFi or it is just the new "flight mode" that is being activated. I wonder if this is the issue and a soft reset turns 'flight mode' off
04-13-2004, 04:23 AM
Actually, this is the first update on my 5555 where I did not have to pull the battery before wifi would actually turn on. Sounds like that varies with other people?
04-13-2004, 07:20 AM
My upgrade went through smoothly and took about 12 minutes. I like that the new version of Reader is now in ROM again and I'm finally able to use MSN Messenger again as well!
I did experience the "missing" WiFi scenario mentioned above. I found the Hard Reset after the upgrade did the trick. I didn't have to pull the battery.
All in all, I think it was worth the hard reset to get Reader and MSN back into ROM and I've definitely noticed more reliable USB connections since the upgrade.
I have noticed one "quirk". It appears the default text color on the Start Menu is now white and as a result quite a few of my various Today themes are now useless as I can't read the text on the menu :(
04-13-2004, 08:47 AM
:? That did not get fixed in the iPAQ 2215 ROM 1.10 update. It was the first thing I checked. Ebooks and Pocket Bible books do work fine on the card, but apps on the card still often lock up.
It seems to be fixed for me. Before the update if I left MS Reader or Pocket Bible open, then powered off, then powered on, Reader would display a "MS Reader cannot access this book" message after reading a few pages, and Pocket Bible would display a permanent busy cursor when you navigated to the next chapter.
With the new ROM neither of these unhappy events occurs! This is a good thing!
...the WiFi or it is just the new "flight mode" that is being activated....
I too noticed "flight mode" - anyone know what this is.. or is it just a Microsoft / HP name for "Wireless off" / "Wireless on".
04-13-2004, 01:06 PM
...the WiFi or it is just the new "flight mode" that is being activated....
I too noticed "flight mode" - anyone know what this is.. or is it just a Microsoft / HP name for "Wireless off" / "Wireless on".
I think that's all it is, I have Flight mode on my 4350 as well. So far the rom update was a success, I haven't had any problems and I'm so happy that fixed the bluetooth naming bug that was introduced in the last update. They also fixed the wifi signal meter so hopefully my 5555 won't keep disconnecting because it thinks the signal is too low.
04-13-2004, 03:52 PM
:? That did not get fixed in the iPAQ 2215 ROM 1.10 update. It was the first thing I checked. Ebooks and Pocket Bible books do work fine on the card, but apps on the card still often lock up.
There is a new update on the HP site for 2200 SDIO - maybe that contains the fix. The list of changes includes an initialisation issue...
04-13-2004, 07:09 PM
I have gone through many updates/upgrades with my iPAQ 3600, and with few exceptions a hard reset and full re-install was just part of it. However, now with my iPAQ 5555 and Pocket Backup, it is possible to selectively restore data and programs. (I guess that was possible before, but I never bought a better backup program than what came with the device).
My question is: Can I use Pocket Backup to restore stuff other than registry, Windows folder, etc? Obviously I'd still have to re-enter registration for each application and re-do many settings, but just to be able to restore some things would save me time.
There are many fixes that I have been waiting for, and I definitely want to install 1.10.10 now (but I still have hope for a PPC2003SE upgrade someday! I could rotate to any orientation, including upside-down portrait, on my 1997 Apple Newton--that's one of the few features that PocketPC didn't provide starting from 2000, and I miss it!).
Ed Hansberry
04-13-2004, 07:13 PM
My question is: Can I use Pocket Backup to restore stuff other than registry, Windows folder, etc? Obviously I'd still have to re-enter registration for each application and re-do many settings, but just to be able to restore some things would save me time.
The short answer is yes. The long answer is, 1) you do this at your own risk and 2) this won't work for apps that have installers that put data in the registry. It would be like putting excel.exe on your PC and clicking it expecting it to work. It won't.
04-14-2004, 02:56 AM
Does anyone else have an issue with button 5 not working with the new ROM? It doesn't work for me, nor does the up button on the side. The down button still works, though.
04-14-2004, 02:59 AM
No problems with mine. All hardware buttons are functioning as expected. Volume Up/Down on the side works and the center "disc" moves data on the screen up/down & back/forth as expected. Pressing it to open/close files works too. Did you do the second hard reset after the upgrade? I found that cleared up my no WiFi issue and a couple of other little "quirks" too.
04-14-2004, 03:47 AM
I didn't do the second hard-reset immediately afterwards but I did one after about an hour of installing apps. A freshly hard-reset device still does it.
My d-pad works fine. I just realized that left and right in Pocket Inbox switches accounts.
And of course I had to apply the ForceOffSSL registry edit that Ed brought up a few months ago.
The only problem I have is the fifth button doesn't respond entirely as it should. The down portion works but up and in don't.
04-14-2004, 03:55 AM
Sorry, I should have looked up the button assignments before I responded. My feeble brain was thinking Button 5 was the dpad. I forgot all about the record function on the up/down buttons. Just checked mine out and it worked like a charm.
On the ForceOffSSL issue I finally got around that problem. What I did was go to the server that had the certificate I wanted from my desktop and installed it there. I then brought up Internet Explorer went to Tools-->Internet Options-->Content-->Certificates. Went down the list until I found the certificate I wanted to install on my iPAQ and exported it. Copied it over to the iPAQ via ActiveSync Explorer, brought up File Explorer on the iPAQ and double-clicked the certificate. It brings up a dialogue box asking if I'm sure I want to install the certificate, I click yes and in it goes! Works like a champ and I can now connect to my Exchange Server with SSL selected.
04-14-2004, 09:10 AM
I reinstalled 1.00.18 and restored the latest backup. The fifth button is still wonky but that's the only issue I have now, whereas I counted at least four others with the new rom.
04-14-2004, 12:00 PM
Can anyone tell me how to get your PC to recognise your device again after the hard reset? Or do I really have to call it something new, change the file name of the PPC documents on my PC, change the links for the files that autosave to that file, etc, etc? I can't find anything on the net about this, but surely there is a way? :?
04-14-2004, 12:41 PM
Can anyone tell me how to get your PC to recognise your device again after the hard reset? Or do I really have to call it something new, change the file name of the PPC documents on my PC, change the links for the files that autosave to that file, etc, etc? I can't find anything on the net about this, but surely there is a way? :?
Before connecting the device, open ActiveSync on the desktop and choose "File/Delete Partnership". Answer "No" when it asks you if you want to delete the Shared Documents folder (or whatever it calls it).
On the PocketPC change the name of the PocketPC to whatever it was before the ROM Update (if you had changed it).
Then when you connect it will ask you if you want to create a partnership, answer "Yes" and when prompted, choose to replace all the information on the device with the information on your desktop PC. This should copy the contacts, calendar appointments and files across.
04-14-2004, 04:12 PM
It's been my experience that if you say NO to the "Delete Shared Files" question then you'll get the "...already exists..." error. I believe the reason for this is, by not deleting the Shared Files the Profile path remains on the desktop, so even though you've deleted the partnership when it goes to check for an existing profile it will still find the path with the name of your PPC.
What I've done to get around it is copy the contents of the shared folder to a backup location and then run the Delete Partnership process and saying yes to the "Delete Shared Files". Then when you plugin your PPC you'll be able to set it up with it's original name again. I then go through and set everything back up. Once I've got everything configured the way I want it again, I move my shared files back into the shared folder from my backup area and ActiveSync resyncs them back to my PPC.
04-14-2004, 04:34 PM
That is most odd - I have deleted the partnership (and kept shared files) numerous times, without seeing any errors. I guess it behaves differently depending on OS version and ActiveSync version.
04-14-2004, 06:24 PM
Does anyone else have an issue with button 5 not working with the new ROM? It doesn't work for me, nor does the up button on the side. The down button still works, though.
My buttons work fine after the update, you may have some hardware issues. Have you noticed problems with the buttons before? I know that button 5 is a combination of the up and down buttons when pressed together.
04-14-2004, 07:10 PM
That is most odd - I have deleted the partnership (and kept shared files) numerous times, without seeing any errors. I guess it behaves differently depending on OS version and ActiveSync version.
You know you could be right. I didn't think of that angle. All of my experience has been with iPAQ's from the 3600 through my current 5555. I've also been running Windows XP Professional throughout in a Domain environment. As for ActiveSync as soon as a new release comes out I install it in the never-ending hope it gets better :)
My previously described experience just occurred again when I went through the process for this upgrade with my 5555, ActiveSync version 3.7.1 (Build 4034) and Windows XP Pro Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp2.030422-1633: Service Pack 1)
When I setup a profile I usually sync my Tasks, Favorites and shared files with my desktop and my Inbox, Contacts and Calendar directly with my Exchange Server, in case that has any impact. Although the server sync option wasn't around back in my 3600 days.
04-14-2004, 07:32 PM
My buttons work fine after the update, you may have some hardware issues. Have you noticed problems with the buttons before? I know that button 5 is a combination of the up and down buttons when pressed together.
I'm back at ROM 1.00.18 (was having BT issues with the new ROM, turns out someone was fiddling with BT on the computer that I connect through and that was why I couldn't do anything interesting with the new ROM) and the button is still munged. Oh well, the unit's under warranty until the end of July so I can wait until my scrfeen protector is a bit more worn before I get the unit swapped.
04-15-2004, 09:53 AM
Thnaks very much to ChristopherTD & bleeman. I'll try the delete partnership trick.
Next question: I went to HP's website to download the latest updates, and got the firmware update 1.00.18. When I tried to open it, I got a message saying "Failed to load control "richtextbox" from RCHTX32.OCX. Your version of RCHTX32.OCX may be outdated. etc". What on earth is RichTextBox? And how do I fix this? :oops: I thought I'd need to apply this update before applying 1.10? Currently I have ROM version 1.00.10 ENG. :?
04-15-2004, 04:06 PM
You don't need the 1.00.18 firmware update. Since that's a "fix" to the 1.00 ROM image it will be overlaid when you install the new 1.10 ROM image as that replaces the entire ROM image on your 5555.
Jerry Raia
04-15-2004, 11:45 PM
Just wanted to report a successful ROM upgrade of my 5555. No problems of the kind I have seen on this far :)
04-16-2004, 01:44 PM
Hi Bleeman
Tried that, but when it goes to load the files to the specified directory on my PC, I still get the error "Failed to load control "richtextbox" from RCHTX32.OCX. Your version of RCHTX32.OCX may be outdated. etc". What on earth is RichTextBox? And how do I fix this?
04-16-2004, 11:47 PM
Hi Ratel10mm,
I'm not sure what to tell you. It sounds like it's an issue with something on your desktop based on what you're saying.
I just looked at the directory that the update creates on my desktop to do the install from (C:\IPAQ\27674) and there's a Richtx32.ocx file in it. It has a date of 6/24/1998 at 2:00 AM on it and is 199kb in size. So it appears the file is a component of the install.
Try Googling on the phrase "rchtx32.ocx may be outdated" and check the various links there. Although they are dealing with other applications, the same theme seems to appear in the solutions. Things like maybe more than one version of rchtx32.ocx is on your system and it's finding the wrong one or you need to re-register the file, etc. Trying some of these options may work for you.
A search on my local system found 3 occurrences of the file. All the same size and all from 6/24/1998. One was in my C:\Windows\System32 directory, one in the directory this update created and one in a previous SoftPAQ directory.
Maybe some other application you installed in the past left a different version on your system and it's finding that one instead of the one from the SoftPAQ.
Sorry I can't offer more help. I hope this points you in the right direction.
Good Luck!
Len M.
04-18-2004, 03:55 AM
What about the h5150/5155? When are we going to see an update for it?
Len M.
04-19-2004, 01:48 PM
I have noticed one "quirk". It appears the default text color on the Start Menu is now white and as a result quite a few of my various Today themes are now useless as I can't read the text on the menu :(
I have noticed the same problem.
- Tim
Steven Cedrone
04-19-2004, 02:08 PM
I have noticed one "quirk". It appears the default text color on the Start Menu is now white and as a result quite a few of my various Today themes are now useless as I can't read the text on the menu :(
I have noticed the same problem.
- Tim
There is hope! :wink:
From posted by ctitanic in another thread (about ROM updates for another device):
For those who have reported the white color in the Start Menu and the imposibility of change that color, I have released a new version of Tweaks2k2 ( that allow users to change the Start Menu Color and the Tap & Hold Dots color.
04-19-2004, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the pointer Steve!
04-20-2004, 04:52 PM
Updated my 5555 last night, no problems so far.....
05-25-2004, 08:10 PM
Updated my 5555 last night, no problems so far.....
I updated my iPaq 5555 this morning. So far so good with critical apps. However, I did notice that any theme I select shows white fonts on the program menu. Is this normal??
Found my answer:
06-01-2004, 03:05 AM
I updated today (the update's been out for two months already :confused totally: 8O ) and no issues so far.
12-23-2004, 11:03 AM
I know this is an old thread now, but felt I should post a thank you to Bleeman.
I got around my original problem by taking my charger home & doing the update via my own PC. However, I needed to redo it (see here ( and didn't want to go through that again! So I took Bleeman's advice, found the update, and installed it. Just don't tell our IT guys! :wink:
Anyway, it worked like a charm.
So a very late, but hearfelt, thank you to Bleeman. :way to go:
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