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View Full Version : My first unexpected hard reset...

04-09-2004, 09:00 AM
Yeah its a sad moment for me... It just happened about 10 minutes ago. A friend of mine managed to accidently open the batery cover on my 2210 iPAQ, the battery flew out and its done. When I tried putting the battery back in and just pressing the power button, nothing happened. So I went ahead and pushed the soft reset button... And there was my fresh install of Windows Mobile 2003. :cry:

But isnt the iPAQ suposed to have a backup battery, which in fact was at full power when this happened. Why would taking out the battery result in a hard reset I dont get it. The unit was on at the time it happened, but I still do not see the reason behind this.

Thanks god my CF card and iPAQ File Store are still there and functional. And I should have a backup about two weeks old :? somewhere on my pc at home. Now I just cant wait to get home and check...

04-09-2004, 11:29 AM
Sounds strange. I've also had a friend open the battery door and then pull out the battery while the unit has been turned on, and that didn't result in a hard reset. :?

04-09-2004, 01:32 PM
I've had the SAME happen to me several times. I back up religiously now and never put in my second battery unless I have a backup from the last 24 hour period.

From what I've heard it's not all that uncommon with the 2200 series.

04-09-2004, 03:42 PM
Ah crap, my newest backup is more than a month old. :evil:
And the reson I wasnt backing it up frequently is the fact that the built in backup utillity refuses to work as it should for me. I guess I'll have to make it work now.

Well at least my WisBar skin and the settings are in place...
Now when I connect the device activesync doesnt recognize it to the partnership that I had. Is there a way to go around creating a new parnership? If not, what are the drawbacks of creating one? Will I lose any more data? :|

Sven Johannsen
04-10-2004, 04:11 AM
No, there is no way to get around creating a new partnership, unless you restore from a backup.

If you wish to retain the same name as before, you just need to remove the old partnership from ActiveSync on the desktop. That is under File, Mobile Device, select the old name and then under File is Delete Partnership. If you have been using a sync'd Files folder, it will ask if you wish to delete that. You can say "no" and using the old name when you re-partner, will copy all the files back if you elect to sync files. It is advisable to back up those files, of course.

If you have not had the experience before, you can go into Tools, Add/Remove Programs, and just click the check box to re-install an app. Theoretically you could just check them all, but with some potentially requiring resets, I wouldn't recommend it.