04-07-2004, 05:17 PM
Not sure if this belongs under software or off-topic --
I use Mapopolis on my PPC, and it is notoriously bad at map management. To simplify things, I'm looking for some desktop software to tell me what county maps I need to copy to my PPC. I have Microsoft Streets and Trips, so I can draw a big square around the map area I need, and then look for county names, but they're not all that easy to read or to see where the boundaries are. What I'd really like to be able to do is look at the map (which should have roads, cities, etc. on it like Streets and Trips) and draw a freeform shape around the area I want (instead of a square), and have it generate a text list of counties within the area. Is there such a thing?
I use Mapopolis on my PPC, and it is notoriously bad at map management. To simplify things, I'm looking for some desktop software to tell me what county maps I need to copy to my PPC. I have Microsoft Streets and Trips, so I can draw a big square around the map area I need, and then look for county names, but they're not all that easy to read or to see where the boundaries are. What I'd really like to be able to do is look at the map (which should have roads, cities, etc. on it like Streets and Trips) and draw a freeform shape around the area I want (instead of a square), and have it generate a text list of counties within the area. Is there such a thing?